Chapter 24

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Tzuyu's P.O.V

"Don't.... leave me

Don't do this" I cried as I said those words to a girl who's back is facing me.

We're on a cliff and she's at the edge, while me? I am a few steps away from her, from the edge of the cliff.

"Unnie please..." I pleaded

"Saranghae Tzuyu" and with that she let herself fall on the cliff


"What no? Who no? Yah you what who hey no?" A girl beside me said. I looke at her. It was Chaeyoung.

I almost forgot that she slept here last night and we talked about random stuffs

"Why are you screaming?" She asked

"I-i had a dream" I caressed my forehead

"Bad dream eh?" I nodded. She let out a heavy sigh before ruffling my hair

"Yah! Don't ruin my hair" I whined

"It's not even on it's OKAY state, it's messy I just made it more messy" then there she goes with her laugh. I chuckled because her laugh is really something that can make you laugh also

"That dream made me hungry. Let's see what mom prepared for breakfast" I said. And with that, she stood up from my bed and ran outside my room as if there's a race.

I shook my head in disbelief before going to the window and opened it. I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh morning air and opened my eyes slowly. There I saw Sana unnie walking not so far from my house. Eh? Where is she going early this morning?

"Tzuyu!!!" A cub shouted from downstairs.

"Coming!" I shouted back. I closed my window and walked downstairs.

"What took you so long?" Chaeyoung asked as she scoops a spoon with cereal on her mouth

"Just breathed a fresh morning air" I said and grabbed a bowl of cereal

"I saw Sana unnie" I said

"Hey I said I saw Sana unnie" I said again. She's not talking to me huh?

"Go on and tell your story. Geez yoda can't you see I'm eating right now?" Oh yeah she's eating. I chuckled when I noticed that

"So? Where is she headed to?" She asked

"I don't know. I'm just wondering where she's going early this morning" I put a spoon full of cereal on my mouth

"Why didn't you ask her?"

"She's quite far from my window for your information" I rolled my eyes

"Maybe she's on a date?" Few words that made me frozen

Maybe she's on a date

Maybe she's on a date

Maybe she's on a date

Maybe she's on a date

Maybe she's on a date

It keeps on repeating on my mind. Her on a date? Who could that guy be?

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