Chapter 41

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Tzuyu's P.O.V

It's the day of my 3 days vacation with Sana. I don't know where we are going but I know it will be one of the best days of my life.

"Hey honey, Sana is downstairs now" Mom said as she enters my room holding Gucci in her arms.

"Gucci" I said as I took Gucci from her arms. Mom stares at me and smiles.

"Why?" I asked. But she just shook her head.

"Nothing. You need help with your bag?" I think for a bit, but then I looked at Gucci who is in my arms now so I nodded my head and my mother grabs my bags.

We both went downstairs. And there I saw her sitting on the couch while having a talk with my Dad. Looks like they're having fun while talking because they are both laughing.

Gucci is in my arms when my Dad and Sana noticed me and my Mom.

"Well, have fun you two" Dad said as he stood up and grabs my bags from my mother's hands.

A car was parked outside and dad put my bags there.

"You're driving?" I asked Sana and she just nodded.

"Say goodbye to Gucci for now" Mom said as she slowly takes Gucci away from me. I pouted.

Sana pinches both of my cheeks and she smiles before holding my hand and saying goodbye to my parents.

I waved my hand at my parents. Before we got in the car... we heard someone screaming 'WAIT UP'

We both looked where the screaming came from..... I am literally laughing when I saw them. Who cannot?!

Momo is riding a bicycle with Jihyo unnie. Jeongyeon unnie is pulling Nayeon unnie's hand while Nayeon unnie is sitting on a skateboard. Chaeyoung is riding a bicycle with Mina.

Momo's face looks so tired and sleepy and Jihyo unnie is cheering Momo up. Chaeyoung and Mina are laughing at the 2yeon's situation. While Jeongyeon unnie is panting, Nayeon unnie kept on screaming 'wait up'.

"Yah! Walk on your own I'm tired." Jeongyeon unnie shouted when they are just a few steps away from us. Then she ran towards us. Momo and Chaeyoung hit the brake of the bicycle as they reach us.

"Wait.... hooooo" Jeongyeon unnie kneels down. She keeps on panting. They all went out of their bike and walks towards us.

"You look sleepy" I pointed out Momo.

"They woke me up saying that you'll leave at this hour. I just woke up and I rode a bike with this girl" Momo said as she pointed out Jihyo unnie.

Sana was about to say something when....

"Ouch!!!" We all looked at Jeongyeon unnie who is currently being beaten up by Nayeon unnie who is holding the skateboard on her left hand and hitting Jeongyeon unnie with her right hand.

"Hey stop!" Jeongyeon unnie shouted but Nayeon unnie hit her once again.

"You left me there you lazy ass" Nayeon unnie shouted.

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