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"Minji, please pick up. I really need to talk to you." Hajin's distraught voice rang throughout the loud speakers on her cellphone. 

After getting home from work late the previous night, the last thing Minji thought to do was to check her phone. Over the course of the night there was a stream of texts, phone calls, and voice mail messages left by her friend Hajin. 

"I have nowhere else to go." Minji heard as she clicked on the next message. Her friend's was now sobbing uncontrollably as she said into the phone. "They betrayed me. They took everything from me, and left me with a huge debt. Two of the people I most trusted." She explained and Minji immediately knew who she was talking about. 

Hajin, Minji, and Gayoung had been best friends from their childhood. They had been like sisters, but when Hajin started dating a boy named Minjun. Gayoung had noticed several strange interactions between the two, but was never able to say anything because she had no proof of it. She also wanted to prevent any problems between them unless it were absolutely necessary. The three of them had never gotten into a fight before and in case of finally getting themselves into one, they would not know how to make up.

Now Minji doubted Hajin would even want to make up with Gayoung, not that Gayoung even deserved the forgiveness.

The next voicemail in her inbox was from Gayoung herself. "Minji, please talk to Hajin and explain to her that Minjun and I never meant to hurt her. Things just happened this way."

Minji felt her blood boil. 

How could Gayoung ask her to talk to Hajin, as though she had done nothing wrong? As though she hadn't seduced her best friend's boyfriend. It was wrong coming from him because Hajin loved him--but it was worse coming from Gayoung who had been like a sister to her. What would Minji even say to her? I know Gayoung and Minjun betrayed you, but you have to look past that? There was nothing that she could say to make her friend feel better. All she could do was stand by her side and support her in her time of need.

She hit the delete button on Gayoung's message and continued listening to Hajin's desperate cries over the phone. Minji felt bad that she hadn't been there in the moment that it happened. Now she was speeding down the road towards Hajin's apartment, where surely she would run into the two traitors instead of her friend.

But she needed to know where she went and there was a possibility that they would know.

"Please meet me at the park down by the lake." Hajin's voice came in the last message she sent hours prior. "I really need someone to talk to."

Now knowing where her friend was, Minji took a right turn at a traffic light and headed the opposite way. She didn't even have to say the name of the park for Minji to know exactly where she was. Hajin was at the park where the three of them often visited with their families as children. It was a place with a lot of meaning to them, since many of their best memories had taken place there.

It took her about fifteen minutes to get there and she parked her car in the familiar dirt lot. She hurried out of the car and ran towards the wooden pier that overlooked the lake with a magnificent waterfall. As she got closer, she saw Hajin standing by the edge of the pier. She seemed to be considering something and Minji's stomach dropped, fearing the worst. In the state she was in, she thought Hajin would have been capable of doing anything she would later regret.

She watched as her friend jumped into the water below and Minji cried out, "Hajin, dont!"

But it was already too late to stop her.

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