.forty four.

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.forty four.

Just as his brother had predicted at breakfast that day, the tenth prince was overwhelmed by what Minji was showing him, and it was only the first stage of their intimacy together. But he was also eager and willing to cooperate, letting her take the lead. Minji was a bit nervous as well, as the thought hit her mind that she was unable to see and would therefore be unable to give him the full experience. She would probably take several attempts to find the parts of him she wanted to touch. But perhaps Eun wouldn't even notice. He was far more innocent than she was, and ever experience was new to him.

Following the first night and starting with a make out session, the two teenagers returned to their siblings' home in the morning for breakfast. It was their normal morning routine now, as they avoided going to the palace altogether. 

This time, the eighteen year old prince had some news for his younger brother. A proud smile played on his lips as he announced to him, "Brother, something great happened last night. My wife kissed me, but it was more than just a kiss. I don't know how to explain. It was more like..." As he continued explaining to his brother, Minji tried not to listen, as she felt that her cheeks were starting to turn red with embarrassment. She knew it was natural for them to do those sort of things as a married couple. What she was embarrassed about was the fact that he was so eager to tell his brother. She didn't think it was bad, per say, but it made her turn red as a beet. For Eun who was more like an innocent child, he just wanted his brother to approve and feel proud of him.

He wanted his brother's approval, just like he always wanted Minji's.

Han patted him on the back in congratulations. "Good job, hyung."

Minji was surprised by the fact that Han was the younger of the two, and not the other way around. But it was kind of the same with her and Soon Deok. Her sister was far more innocent than she was. Minji often felt like she was the one who protected her sister. But many times Soon Deok did a good job of protecting her younger sister as well. She was sure that in many ways, it was the same with Han and Eun. 

After spending most of the day with their siblings, just making conversation, and occasionally playing games, Eun and Minji returned to their home and got ready for bed when the sun set over the horizon. The walk was always pleasant, and by now, Minji had no problem with her husband slipping his hand into hers. They reached the house within minutes, with Eun helping her until they got into the house. The servants helped them get dressed into their white silk robes and then excused themselves for the night, assuring them that they would be back in the morning to help them get dressed again. The moment they were gone and the house was completely silent again, both teenagers knew what was coming. Minji felt her heart begin to race, while Eun sat a couple of inches away from her in anticipation.

Minji beckoned her husband to come closer, and he did eagerly, like an obedient little pup.

"Did you like the way I kissed you yesterday?" She asked him, tilting her head to the side in a cute gesture as her index finger found his face and traced the outline of his soft lips slowly. 

Eun gulped nervously at her touch, almost as though he would never get used to her soft caresses, and he nodded his head as he replied to her. "I did. I wish we could have stayed like that forever." It was true. Her lips were the only ones he wanted to feel against his.

Minji felt her heart melt at his words.

Her heart belonged to Wang Jung, she was still in love with him. But a part of her was still sending butterflies in her stomach whenever Eun said such sweet things to her. He was truly such a wonderful husband who was faithful and devoted to her. He had proved it when the king offered him a second wife, and he declined, stating that the only person he wanted was Minji. As a prince who was allowed the privilege of having many wives, it was very noble of him to just want one woman only.

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