.forty eight.

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.forty eight.


"As expected, you must have given yourself to me out of pity."


The two teenagers had gotten all tired out, with Minji panting tiredly above her husband, her hands resting on his chest as she held herself up. But her tired muscles were begging for relaxation, any moment about to give out beneath her. He was breathing hard, visibly overwhelmed by what she had given him and having exerted all of his energy despite her doing all of the work during the act. She pushed the hair out of his face which had matted down to his skin with sweat and she felt her heart racing madly. It was the first time she had shared an intimate moment like that with her husband and he smiled tiredly up at her, his little eyes starting to close tiredly. 

Outside it was already night time, and she could hear the chirping of crickets which seemed to be all the more loud in Goryeo. But she attributed it to the fact that there were no sounds of cars driving down the road or people out and about. 

She rolled off him and instantly started to feel an ache between her legs which she ignored. It was probably going to be worse the next morning. As she climbed off him and settled by his side, her hand simultaneously reaching for the covers, his eyes caught a small tinge of crimson on the sheets and he knew it didn't come from him. Concerned, he turned on his side to face her, asking her a question. "Did I do that to you? Did I hurt you, jagi?" The question was full of innocence as he bit down on his lower lip. There was still so much he didn't understand.

Minji wrapped the covers around them as best she could considering that she could not see, her heart melting at his selfless worry for her. The arrogant little prince actually cared about her and it filled her heart with a strange warm feeling. It made her happy to know that Eun was looking out for her, not just because she was his wife. 

She nodded her head slowly first before responding. "I'm fine, love. Don't worry."

He was put at ease by her words, and he relaxed by her side in bed. Minji snuggled closer to her, if even humanly possible. There was a chill coming in through the window and with their lack of clothes she was starting to feel cold. But there was a comfortable heat radiating off him which she welcomed. He, of course, was more than happy to bring her into his arms and once again feel her skin against his. 

They were quiet in each other's arms for several minutes, both drifting off to sleep. But there was something that was different about that night, other than the fact that their marriage had been consummated. It was three little words that left her husband's lips which took her by surprise and caused a prick in her chest because a part of her mind told her that she didn't feel the same about him. Rather than concluding their day together with a goodnight jagi, as he normally did, he instead said to her, "I love you, jagi." And Minji instantly felt a lump in her throat. 

A few minutes prior she had been drifting off to sleep and now she was wide awake in her husband's arms, not replying to his words. She didn't even know what to say. Was she supposed to lie to him and tell him that she loved him? Certainly she did love him, but it was a different kind of love. Not at all like the one he had for her. But she didn't want to tell him that she didn't love him either and break his heart. He was such a good person who deserved only the best. As his wife, Minji wanted to give him only the best parts of her. She wanted nothing more than to make him happy. 

When minutes passed and she said nothing, he found himself drifting out of his sleepiness, his eyebrows furrowing and his lips jutting out into a pout. 

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