.forty two.

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.forty two.

The teenage couple walked back hand in hand--per Eun's suggestion, as he claimed it would help her balance so she wouldn't end up falling down. Minji agreed, biting her lip nervously and unsurely. Her husband was starting to grow an interest in her and she didn't want to lead him on by making him think that she felt something more than friendship for him. Though, as a wife, she knew she at least owed him that. They talked about amusing things that had happened during breakfast with their siblings.

They had a good time, unlike when they had breakfast at the palace recently. At the palace, Minji could feel the glares and the hostility. The King and two of Eun's brother's didn't much like her. It was their very public desire for her to sit at breakfast with the servants instead of with them. The only reason why she was begrudgingly accepted at the table was per Eun's acceptance. Eun threatened that he would not eat at the table with them if his wife wasn't allowed to do so. The king was quick to please him because he was son, and also to avoid the servants spreading rumors around the kingdom. He could imagine the kind of backlash he would receive. Making his teenage soon, and his young wife eat with the servants. It would be a big scandal.

Minji had been talking when a light gust of wind hit them, just enough to blow her hair into her face. Minji let out a light laugh, trying to spit out the strands of hair that had landed in her mouth. She pulled her hand from Eun's hold and tried to push her hair out of her face. 

Eun stopped walking and turned towards her and moved her hands away. "Let me help you." He told her, his fingers gently moving to touch her face.

A smile spread onto Minji's lips and she closed her eyes, though it did no difference to her. She tilted her head closer to his touch and she could feel how his fingers trembled nervously and he began to clumsily push the stray strands from her face. It took him a few seconds before he unexpectedly leaned in and gave her a small kiss on the lips, cupping her face in his hands. 

Minji couldn't help but giggle against his lips. She knew that she was in love with Jung. They had been through so much together, but her life had been intertwined with Eun's from the start as well. They had been through so much together, including getting over their mutual dislike for one another. Now it was like they were old friends, spending the rest of their lives together. From what she remembered of him, his image still vivid and fresh in his mind, he was cute and maybe also handsome. But he was a nice guy and she thought he didn't give enough credit to himself. Any woman would be lucky to have him. 

As he turned and took her hand again shyly, they continued on their way back to their house. When they arrived, Eun stopped in his tracks, Minji stopping by his side, though not understanding why they weren't going into the house already.

"What's wrong, Eun?" She wondered.

Eun gulped when he saw his father, the king, waiting for them. There was a warm smile for one of his youngest sons. But for Minji there was still only disdain. 

Eun let go of Minji's hand quickly and bowed his head out of respect, offering his father a greeting fit for his title. "Your majesty." At the mention of him, Minji tensed by her husband's side and lowered her head in respect. Though, if she had to be completely honest, it was more out of fear. She knew he didn't like her and would never accept her now. But she didn't need his approval as long as Eun wanted her. Still, he was the ultimate ruler of the country and that was intimidating to Minji who was at her most vulnerable now that she was unable to see. "What brings you here to visit us?" 

After his greeting, he used his arm to gently help Minji behind him. He held her hand again, holding it behind his back as he waited for the king to reply to his question. Whatever he wanted, Eun wanted to get it over with quick so that he would leave.

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