.eighty one.

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.eighty one.


"Yo is the new king and he has always disliked us. We need to get out of here before he tries to do something against our family."


Jung didn't hear from his brother for months. 

The queen was careful not to mention him in the palace and he never visited again, which the fourteenth prince assumed was for safety reasons. With just a few days before Eun's twenty fourth birthday came around, Prince Jung received a letter at the military base from none other than Park Hak Soon. He tore open the letter with excitement and quickly started to read what it said. It had clearly not been written by her, since she had lost her sight years ago, and also because he knew her writing. This had not been written by her hand. He thought that she had probably gotten her sister Soon Deok to help her with it. But it had actually been his own sister, Princess Yeon Hwa, who had written the letter for the genera's daughter. It had also been the princess herself who had made sure the letter got delivered to the fourteenth prince. 

Dearest Jung, the letter began. Jung felt his heart beat madly against his chest at her choice of words for him. He was a bit surprised and disappointed in himself that she still had such an effect on him. She could literally ask him to do absolutely anything, and he would submit without question. I write to you today in the wake of my beloved husband's upcoming twenty fourth birthday. At the mention of Eun, Jung felt his heart drop, and at the same time he was filled with a rage.

Of course she would bring up Eun. It was what she always seemed to do. It was like she always tried to push her relationship in his face to make him understand that what they once had was over. She was over it, but he didn't know if he would ever get over it.

It has been six long years that you two have been resentful of each other. I would like for that to come to an end. You two were once so close, and I know Eun would still hold you in high esteem if you two could reconcile your differences. It would mean absolutely the entire world if you could come to the dinner party I will be organizing for my husband. Life is too short, too fleeting, and can change at any moment. Don't let any more time pass up with your heart full of poison against your brother. If you will not do it for yourself, or for him, please consider doing it for me. If you have ever cared about me, please fix this situation with Eun and make things right. I will await your presence.

All the best, Park Hak Soon.

Jung felt himself rolling his eyes, not at her, but at the fact that she wanted them to reconcile. The fourteenth prince thought that it would never happen. He certainly didn't feel like he was wrong. It was Eun who had to apologize for taking Hak Soon from him, knowing that he loved her, and knowing all the pain he would inflict on his younger brother.

At the same time, a flood of memories came rushing into his mind. He was twenty one now, Eun twenty three. They had already been at each other's throats for six long years. Ever since they were both teenagers. Perhaps it really was time to leave the past in the past. Hak Soon loved Eun now and there was nothing Jung could do about it. They were married already and had children of their own. He, Baek-ah, Han, and Eun had been so close growing up. He felt a prick in his chest at the realization that the four had basically gone their separate ways. Han and Eun had gotten married, Baek-ah was following a music career now that their father had passed away, and Jung had joined the military. 

Jung didn't know that his other three brothers were still rather close. Eun and Han saw each other every single day, while Baek-ah visited them at least once a week. The only one that was now out of the loop was Jung. 

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