.fifty two.

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.fifty two.


  "When were you planning to let your family know that you and your wife are expecting a baby?"  


The family had been gathered at their house and spent most of the day with them. They all had dinner together and made conversation until the sun went down. When they left, Eun and Minji retired to their bedroom together and the servants cleaned up what was left of their reunion with everyone. The two got into bed together after the servants helped them into their sleeping robes and immediately Eun took her into his arms. Now that the excitement of it all had sunk in for him, he had so many questions for her about their baby that was on the way.

He started by telling her another little story of his childhood. It seemed that most things he knew about life were simplified versions told to him by his mother when he was just a little boy. Of course she couldn't really tell him how babies were really made and what happened once a baby was already on the way. With his arms around her, he started speaking slowly, his voice so gentle and like music to her ears. Minji swore that his voice was so smooth just like melted chocolate, and when he spoke, his voice did things that gave her a fuzzy feeling in her stomach. "Eomma used to say that when two people make a baby, a stork delivers it in nine months. I hope it can find our house. What if it drops it off with Han and Soon Deok?" 

It was all he had ever known since he'd never seen a pregnant woman before. 

His mother had Han a year after she had Eun, and Eun didn't meet his other brothers until he was four years old. By that time Jung and Baek-ah, who were the youngest, were already born. His brothers who had wives never brought them to the palace with them and he had never seen a woman pregnant because of that. He thought that in nine months a baby would just be dropped at their door step and that would be that.

Minji brought a hand to her face to stifle a giggle at his words. He was so full of innocence and had lived his entire life protected in some sort of bubble. Sometimes she felt that by making a baby with him she was taking away his innocence. Although, he didn't seem to have opposed at all. He had been very cooperative with her on their first night together despite being very nervous with shaking and sweaty hands. She could hear how labored his breathing was and she had asked him several times if he was okay, or if he needed some air.

"Oh, love." She started with a sigh. It had been two months since she had last felt this happy and this comfortable. Two months since they had talked and everything seemed like the time hadn't passed them. Like this was right after their first night together and they were in each other's arms. "You're such a pure little boy that sometimes I can't help but feel that I'm older than you."

But again, she understood because he was a prince who had lived his whole life pampered and sheltered from the outside world. 

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as the question made its way out of his lips. "What is so funny, jagi?" He jutted out his lower lip into a pout.

"I promise I'm not laughing at you, love. I just think its sweet that you have all these stories about how things work. Your mother was just trying to protect you from information that is for adults only." She explained to him, controlling her light little laughs because she didn't want to make him feel like she was making a mockery of him. That was far from the truth.

"I figured." He confessed to her. "When she told me about making kids, she never said I'd have to use my--"

Minji brought her index finger to her lips. "Okay love." She half-shouted.

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