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He nodded his head, a dark tone in his threat that was directed towards Minji. "I'll take you on, and when I'm done with you, I'm going after your friend." He gestured towards Hajin who watched him with a glare. Neither of the two girls was afraid of him, and neither of them thought about the possible consequences that came with getting into a fight with one of the princes.

The two teenagers--Minji and Eun--ran towards each other and immediately her hand latched onto his long hair which was pulled back into a pony tail. Prince Eun did the same and they were caught in a stalemate where both side were immobilized. Meanwhile Hajin only stood on the sidelines with Chae Ryung, waiting for her turn to step in since they wanted it to be a fair fight.

"Let go!" He yelled at Minji, still with a firm grip on her hair.

"You let go!" She yelled back. 

Minji became distracted for a moment as she heard several pairs of footsteps approaching them, and in her distraction, her grip on his hair loosened. Eun managed to use that to his advantage and turned her around after maneuvering himself out of her hold, locking an arm around her neck. Still pulling her hair, he said to her in a growl that was mixed with satisfaction at the fact that he thought himself winning over his opponent. 

"How you you like this, huh?" He asked her, pulling her head back so that she could meet his eyes. 

She struggled in his grasp and clamped her teeth down into his arm, causing him to scream out in pain. The prince immediately let go of her and she pushed him back away from her. He stumbled back a few feet, but quickly recovered. Now she could see that there were various people gathering around them with curious eyes. Some of them looked like nobles, while others looked like house servants. She was fighting a prince out in the open, and in front of everyone. Of all the people standing there watching, Minji didn't spot Jung among them. But she didn't have the time to really search for him since she was more occupied in her fight with the tenth prince.

Eun stomped towards her again, but Hajin stepped in between them, continuing the fight in her friend's place. "Ah, you think I won't fight you too?" The tenth prince challenged her, pushing her aside easily to get to Minji again.

He tried to get past the girl on the ground to get to Minji who was ready to fight him, pushing up the sleeves of her dress up her arms and her hands formed into ready fists. Hajin raised her foot up and stopped him by kicking him in the chest, pushing the air out of him and knocking him down onto the ground. Minji hurried over and climed on top of him, balling her hand into a fist once again and hitting him everywhere she could reach without mercy as the prince only did what he could to protect himself. He covered his face with his hands.

"Get off me, you cow!" He yelled at her at the top of his lungs, barely able to move with the girl straddling him. He was still remaining arrogant and brave despite the fact that she was above him at the moment and he was at her mercy.

"Cow your mother." Minji shot back, grunting as she hit him with every word that left her lips.

"Do you think you'll be safe after this?" Eun asked her in a menacing tone, hands still securely protecting his face from her blows. "I'll make sure you receive a punishment for daring to hit a prince." He warned her. Now he had one hand covering his face while the other reached for both her hands in an attempt to keep her from hitting him.

"You're a molester!" Minji accused, ignoring his threats. "A fucking pervert!"

"And you're a lewd wench!" He challenged, sticking his tongue out at her while he teased her despite the position he was in.

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