.eighty eight.

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.eighty eight.


"I love you with all my heart, Hak Soon-ah. I wanted us to be together for one thousand years. You're my best friend, and the only person I will ever love. But its time for me to go."


There was a momentary instant of relief for them when they found it was only Hae Soo that was on the other side of that door. But she did not have good news for them, and it was evident in her expression. She was winded and her hair all over the place, as she had ran all through the palace to get to them before the guards could find them. "You have to get out of here right now." She explained through a bated breath, her eyes darting both ways down the hall to make sure she was not being followed. "Yo knows you're here and has sent his troops to search the entire palace."

She didn't know how he had found out so quickly. Hae Soo and the two other princes had been careful to make sure they were not being followed whenever they went down to the caves. Perhaps, it came to her, it had happened when Yeon Hwa went to take her morning bath. Hajin had been unable to clean the bath in time, and there was no doubt the princess had probably seen it. But Yeon Hwa loved Minji, considered her a friend. It would have been cruel of the princess to turn her best friend in like that, even if she was considered an enemy of the kingdom. Hajin was sure Yeon Hwa knew they were innocent. It had to have been someone else who would have something to gain from all of it. But it didn't matter anymore. Yo knew they were there and was having the entire palace searched from top to bottom. All they could do now was to make a hasty escape.

Eun had the three older children in his hold, while Minji held their baby to her chest, grateful that she was like her father. She could sleep through anything, and it that moment it was a blessing. Not even Minji's cries, nor the sounds of boots on the ground were enough to wake the baby from her sleep. Or perhaps she sensed the danger she and her family were in and she was able to keep quiet. Minji could not tell, but she was grateful, and she hoped they could make it out to the docks in time. 

While she continued explaining, Hajin stepped forward to take Soo Hyun from Eun's arms, as he was carrying three children so that his wife could take better care of their infant. She wanted to help him, since they would need to run long distances to get to the tunnels and with all the extra weight on his shoulders, he would quickly grow tired. 

Soo Hyun jumped into her arms without question and hid his face in the front of her dress in fear. Both Eun and Minji knew their son had the star of a king, which meant that the skies had already decided he would be king one day. That meant that he would make it out of the palace alive, but she was not sure about the other children. Their futures were written out in the stars above, but they were not as clear or easy to read as Soo Hyun's. Their first born son would be an important man one day. Minji felt sorry for him in the sense that all of this hate and chaos would be a part of his life forever.

With Soo Hyun in her arms, Hajin informed them of where the others were. Jung had been the one to find her just moments before, after taking to Baek-ah. "Baek-ah went to find Soon Deok and Han. He's leading them to the caves where they will wait for you to go down to the docks." She paused for an instant, recalling what Jung and Minji had, and not wanting to stir up old memories or feelings by saying his name. But she had to let her friend know that Jung was helping too, and that he still cared about her, even though Minji was now in love with Eun. "Jung is leading the troops through the house, and he will lead them in the opposite direction of us for as long as possible. But as soon as Yo finds out Jung is leading them, he will interfere, so we have to hurry."

The couple nodded in agreement and followed the court lady out of the room and down the hallway. The palace was silent for the most part, as they made their way across. But that had been, because of what Hajin said, that Jung was leading them away from where he knew the family would be.

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