.fifty one.

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.fifty one.


  "Eun has finally managed to make his seed take in that dumb little wife of his."  


Minji sent out a letter for her parents, informing them that she wanted them to visit her. Eun sent for his parents the next morning, as well as Soon Deok and Han. When everyone was gathered in their living room, the young couple had the servants serve them tea and offer them simple finger foods. But everyone was curious and anxious to know what the news was. Before being gathered there, they had all heard the rumors about them. How Minji and Eun no longer slept in the same bed, not even the same room. They all worried that the two would not have good news. Especially General Park and his wife.

They knew how things in the palace worked. Once a royal grew bored with one wife, they were allowed to search for another one, leaving their first wife to spend an eternity alone, always waiting for her husband to drop by for a visit. They didn't think the tenth prince was capable of something like that, but it was a life they didn't want for their youngest daughter. 

"We have wonderful news for you all." Minji said, bringing her hands together and barely able to contain her excitement. A smile spread across her lips and Eun wrapped an arm around her waist securely. Everyone in the room seemed to release a worried breath they didn't even know they were holding in. But especially Han, as he knew first hand from his older brother what had happened between them. Now the two seemed to be okay and better than ever. She slowly dropped her hands and placed them on her belly which at the moment was nonexistent. "The doctor just informed Eun and I that we're going to have a baby."

There were smiles and laughs of joy, especially from Eun's mother, whose ultimate dream was to see her grandchildren and this one would be the first. Han was also overjoyed, and he hurried up to his brother, pulling him into his arms for a hug. "Congratulations hyung. I'm so proud of you." He said with a wide smile on his lips, a bit more quietly he added just loud enough for him and Minji to hear. "Pregnant after just one time. You must be a real stud." He looked towards Minji and winked at her, sending a blush to burn on her cheeks. She also wondered just how much Eun would tell him about their relationship. But they were brothers after all and she knew Han wasn't going to ventilate that information to anyone else. 

Eun laughed in an innocent confusion. "I don't know what you're saying."

As they pulled away, Han dropped a heavy hand on his shoulder. "Its probably better that you don't know. But I'm sure she knows well. She seems to catch onto things quickly." He gestured to Minji who was blushing madly.

His mother was next to congratulating them, and she hugged her eldest son tightly. "You're so young, my child, only eighteen. Still a little boy and already going to have a child of your very own." She paused as her throat closed up and her words became choked up. Her almond eyes brimmed up with tears and a few spilled as she closed her eyes. Eun held her tightly, so much love reflected in his embrace because she had been the one to raise him. He truly loved his mother and would do anything for her, even if he had been an arrogant little prince growing up. As she pulled away from him, she grabbed Minji's hand, in hers. She then took Eun's hand in her other one. "My son couldn't have found someone to love him better. A mother can tell, your love is so pure and you both love each other so much."

Minji nodded her head, tearing up herself.

Soon Deok and her mother were next, offering them a few words of congratulations, letting her know that they were happy to hear the good news. Minji could feel a sadness radiating off her sister because she knew this was what would ultimately seal the deal. Them having children made it even more impossible for her and Eun to be together, not that Eun would ever want to be with her.

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