.fifty eight.

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.fifty eight.

The priest began with the ceremony, first explaining the history behind it and why it was so important for it to be performed. He then recited a few prayers and then beckoned for the first child to be brought forth. Since their main focus was Soo Hyun, he would get to go first, and the protocol was that the crown prince was to take the child in his arms and get into the bath with the child in his arms. Eun fully trusted Mu and was ready to hand off his son to him when Yo rushed forward. "I would like to do the honors, if I may." The third prince said, looking to the king and his older brother for approval.

The king knew about the crown prince's skin condition and knew that the waters of the bath might affect it. The king nodded in approval and the crown prince stepped down. Yo went towards Minji with a victorious grin, and when Minji felt him towering over her, she held her little boy close to her chest, refusing to let him go. "I don't want you to touch him." She said, voice barely above a whisper. Her head was low and there was a palpable fear reflected on her face. At the moment the child was soundly sleeping in her arms and she knew handing him over to Yo would no doubt disrupt that sleep.

Yo grabbed at her arm and tried to pry the child out of her hands, but she resisted firmly. The struggling caused the child to stir from his sleep and start crying loudly.

"Can't brothers So or Wook do it instead?" Eun stepped in between the two of them, looking to the king desperately for help. He didn't want to say it aloud, for the backlash he and his wife might receive. But he didn't trust Yo. His eagerness and willing to be the one to perform the ritual had both Eun and Minji on edge. He was most likely planning something, and it was probably nothing good if it involved Yo.

But the king gave a shake of his head. "If the crown prince should be unable, the next prince in line should do the honors. That would be your brother Wang Yo. If he should be unwilling, then So should take his place."

That smirk that Eun wanted so badly to wipe off his face made an appearance yet again. "I am willing, your majesty." No one else stepped in to interfere, but Eun remained standing in between them. Yo put his arm on his younger brother's shoulder and shoved him back. "Step aside, Eun."

The tenth prince then had to watch as Yo practically yanked the child out of Minji's arms and stepped into the bath water below. The priest and Ji Mong were already inside waiting. Once he was inside with the child in his arms, the priest began. "In the name of the heavens we offer up Wang Soo Hyun to their will." Yo was then instructed to hold the child up to the heavens for a moment, before lowering him down into the bath water gently. Except his movements were all but gently. When he brought the child down into the water, he made it seem like the baby slipped out of his hands and into the water below. 

There were gasps heard throughout the bath, and Minji's breath caught in her throat. She was at a loss, since she couldn't see what was happening. But she quickly heard Eun leave her side and there was a splash heard in the bath water below. The other brothers started to rush forward to help, but the king stopped them with an order. "Don't all jump in at once. Let Eun do it." He said, informing them that they would make matters worse. So, Baek-ah, Wook, Han, and even Jung nodded and stood back.

"What's happening?" Minji asked worriedly, her hands blindly searching for someone to inform her what was going on.

Jung wanted so badly to go to her, but he stood back for her own safety. It was Yeon Hwa who hurried to her side and took her hands in order to calm her. "There was an incident, but Eun has it under control." She tried to explain as calmly as possible.

There was splashing around heard, before she heard the frantic crying of her baby in the bath water. "What do you mean?" She asked, feeling a lump in her throat.

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