.twenty two.

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.twenty two. 

Instead of finding her prince, Wang Jung, in the vast palace, she ran into one of the people she least wanted to see, even less than Wang Eun. Though she didn't consider the tenth prince a friend exactly, she at least no longer hated him. Princess Yeon Hwa stopped her in the hall, a smile forming on her lips. But it was a genuine smile, unlike the forced hostile smiles she often gave Hajin. Minji was still surprised that the princess actually considered her a friend and she wondered then, what kind of person the real Hak Soon really was. Did she think herself better than others?

"What are you doing lurking around the palace by yourself?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at her in question and closing the small gap between them and linking arms with her. Minji was at least surprised that the princess was being friendly, which was an emotion that didn't usually come from her heart.

Minji was hesitant to talk to her as well because she wasn't exactly fond of the princess. But Yeon Hwa had been good to her, so for the time being she would be cordial and polite. Still, she could not forget the way she had treated Hajin, and also the way Minji had taken a blow to the face while trying to protect her friend. 

"I was just looking for Jung oppa." Minji informed her, biting down on her lip nervously. She was afraid that Yeon Hwa would lead her to the fourteenth prince and then linger around them because she thought they were friends.

The princess shook her head instantly upon hearing why her friend was there. "You won't find him here. He left early this morning to run some errands in the village. His majesty often assigns the princes things to do because he doesn't want them to grow idle and laze here at the palace. He wants them to learn the ways of the kingdom." But if Minji knew him well, and she did, she knew that he was likely out there picking fights with the villagers. It was his favorite thing to do to entertain himself. Though lately, he spent less time in the village alone, and more in the company of the general's youngest daughter.

The fourteen year old's lips came together to form a tight line as she realized that she had been looking for nothing. Hajin had disappeared somewhere and Jung wasn't even in the palace. She had no reason to be there anymore. Except Yeon Hwa was taking it was her chance to cling to her and probably try to convince her once more that she wasn't supposed to be friends with Hae Soo

"I guess I should go then." Minji said, trying to pull her arm from the princess' hold.

But Yeon Hwa tried to convince her to stay. "Lets have lunch together before you go. I wanted to talk and apologize for hurting you that time I was scolding that dumb servant." Minji wanted so badly to say something for referring to Chaeryung that way, but she kept quiet in order to avoid any arguments or problems with the princess. But she knew from that that Yeon Hwa wasn't someone she wanted to be friends with.

Before Minji could decline the offer and slip away, the princess was already dragging her off to some unknown part of the palace so they could have lunch together. On their way to their destination, they spotted Hajin talking to a man that Minji had never seen before. But her friend seemed to recognize him from somewhere. The two went completely silent as the two girls approached. Yeon Hwa tried to go right past them without even so much as acknowledging them, but Minji stopped in her tracks, turning to the princess.

"I have to talk to Haj--I mean, Lady Hae Soo for a moment." She gave the princess an awkward half-smile and wrenched her arm out of Yeon Hwa's grip. "I'll find you soon."

Though the princess wasn't entirely satisfied by that, she nodded and walked off. 

As soon as she was out of earshot, Hajin grabbed Minji by the hand desperately and pointed at the man standing in front of them, eyes widened in shock. "Minji, look at him. Don't you remember this man? He was the homeless person sleeping down by the lake. He and I had a drink together."

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