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Eun finally let go of her arm after some hesitation, but still held the look at displeasure at her on his face. He only let her go for his brother's sake, who was a friend of hers, and seemed to be fond of the General's daughter. Minji fell back on her knees in the water, catching herself on her hands as she was no longer being held up by one of the Princes. The other one of the brothers who was there with them knelt down to help her get back on her feet and make sure she was okay.

"Jung-ah," Eun started in a rather whiny voice as he looked away from the girl who mysteriously appeared in the bath, his arms defiantly crossed over his chest. "I'm going back inside the palace. You deal with your friend." He turned and walked away, feet splashing water everywhere in an exaggerated way. As he put some distance between them, she heard Eun inform the other brothers who were watching them from where they sat, "There will be no punishment, brothers! It was just Jung-ah's friend, probably looking for him."

"What about the other one?" Another of the brothers asked.

Eun only gave a shrug of his shoulders.

Princes Jung and Eun, Minji made a mental note to remember their names since she didn't know how long she would be in that strange place and just how long she would have to play along, pretending that she knew them when she was certain that she didn't. Where am I that Princes still exist? Or maybe they're just faking, trying to mess with me?

Jung knelt down by her side, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asked her, full of concern.

She nodded slowly, but asked him a question with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Where do we know each other from, again?" She took a good look at his face, hoping to remember him from somewhere, anywhere. She found that he was very handsome, but otherwise it was no use. She didn't know him.

He sighed, giving a shake of his head. "You really need a doctor."

"I don't." She shook her head quickly, assuring him, "I'm fine. I just need to find my way back to where I came from..."

 And she needed to find Hajin, but she didn't know where she had been taken by the other girl who was with them. Now Minji was beginning to regret letting her go with a stranger when it would have been much safer for them to stick together. But the princes seemed to know her, and not Hajin. She didn't want them to hurt her for thinking she was trying to spy on them bathing.

Instead of listening to her words, Jung picked her up in his arms with a soft grunt and a minimal amount of a struggle. Both of them were dripping with water from the bath and Minji had just come to notice that he was undressed, other than the fact that he was still wearing pants. In a complaining tone, he told her, sounding like he was struggling to hold her in his arms. "Why do you have to wear your armor everywhere, Haksoon, really? Its so heavy." He thought it would have otherwise been easier to lift her, had she not been wearing the heavy metal armor.

"I honestly have no idea." She muttered, more to herself, as her hand ran over the slippery wet metal of her suit.

She decided it would be best to play along for the moment, until she could find Hajin and get out of there. Minji wrapped her slender arms around his neck securely, to keep herself from falling with her wet clothes underneath the metal armor. He carried her out of the warm water pool and into the palace where the other brothers were sitting, drying themselves off after their bath. Minji didn't know where to look and she felt a blush tinge her cheeks, seeing them all undressed before her.

"What is your friend doing here?" One of them wondered as Jung set her down at the foot of the pool to grab some towels for them. The rest of the princes either looked at her with hostility or curiosity. Some even a mixture of both.

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