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"My name is Park Hak Soon, I'm fourteen years old. I live with my sister Soon Duk, and my parents in Goryeo. The same historical Goryeo of one thousand years ago. I'm friends with the fourteenth prince. We like to practice martial arts together." Minji repeated to herself in the privacy of her bedroom, pacing back and forth, her bare feet slapping across the wooden floor as she walked. Her hands intertwined, playing with her fingers nervously while she continued to repeat what was her life in Goryeo. "But Minji doesn't know the first thing about martial arts. I'm fucked."

She had been in bed for a few days since her accident, per request of her sister who had been good about taking care of her. She had also received visits from Prince Jung who told her stories about his adventures in the market in which he would dress as a commoner and practice his martial arts skills by fighting with people. Minji scolded him and told him that wasn't something he should be doing because he would get hurt, but he boastfully told her that he had never lost a fight before in his life.

There was a knock on her door that startled her. Most people at her house were already up and she had heard the footsteps of the servants coming and going as they did their chores.

"Lady Hak Soon," Came the voice of one of her servants. This was another thing she couldn't get used to in that past life. Having servants waiting on her hand and foot because she was of a high rank--a general's daughter. "We're here to help you get dressed. Your father would like to see you and your sister before he departs."

Minji quickly crinkled up her nose. "I can get dressed on my own, thanks."

She wasn't keen on the idea of stripping down in front of several maids, and then having them watch her as she got dressed. But the woman insisted. "Nonsense, my lady. That's our job." And without waiting for her response, she opened the door, revealing herself and about five other women who bowed before her as she entered the room. One of the maids held her shoes, another her outfit, while the last to enter the room carried her metal armor with some difficulty.

Finally accepting that she would be dressed by her servants, she was led to the middle of the room while the women stood around her after closing the door. Minji gestured towards the armor and crinkled up her nose. "I won't be wearing that today. Please set it aside."

The servant holding the armor nodded her head, and stepped aside, setting it by her bed. The main servant inquired with curiosity. "You won't be wearing your armor, Lady Hak Soon? You never leave the house without it." 

Of course Hak Soon--the general's daughter--was used to wearing her armor all the time. But Minji wasn't and she didn't want to carry around something that weighed almost as much as she did. She couldn't imagine how Jung must have felt when picking her up. It was like lifting two people at the same time.

Minji replied along with a shake of her head. "I'm very tired after my accident. I'd rather not wear it today." Or ever, she thought to herself.

She was asked to lift her arms out horizontally and the maids got to work on her. They placed layer after layer of clothing on her until they were finally done and Minji felt as though her arms were sore from holding them up so much. She sighed in relief and moved to go sit on her bed when she was stopped. They weren't done and were going to work on her hair next. By the time they were actually finished, Minji was certain a whole hour had gone by.

Since she didn't remember anything about her past life, she was led to her family who was having breakfast under the shade of a large cheery blossom tree outside. Soon Deok was already there, and with her were two other people that she assumed were their parents.

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