.ninety nine.

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.ninety nine.


"Hate got in the way of your happiness, and you both suffered a lot when you died. She went first, and you did not want to let her go alone."


On their day off from schedules, the group was allowed to go out together without any supervision. Chanyeol heard there would be an international festival with various tents of activities, rides, and foods from all over the world. He had somehow convinced all eleven of the other EXO members to go with him to the festival. Baekhyun had been hesitant at first, since he wasn't very keen on going out much whenever he had a day off. But he did it when Chanyeol mentioned they could see things from all over the world. That made Baekhyun think because most of the time, he'd just spend his time in his dorm room whenever he had the day off.

They arrived in company cars, which dropped them off a block from the festival, so as not to attract attention to themselves. All of them wore hats, masks, and sunglasses, as though it were the ultimate disguise. As if their fans would never be able to tell that they were EXO members. 

As soon as they arrived, they divided into their own little groups. The Chinese line all went to the tents that sold Chinese food and items that reminded them of home. Sehun followed Lu Han like a lost puppy, hoping that his hyung would buy him something good to eat. Minseok and Jongdae went to look at a little football tournament that was starting near the Latin American culture booths. Kyungsoo was interested in a cooking seminar that was being offered at the festival, and Jongin tagged along with him to taste all the food he was going to learn to make. Junmyeon had made it his mission to spend a little bit of time with each of them, to make sure they wouldn't get into any trouble. 

Then Baekhyun and Chanyeol went off on their own to see everything. There was nothing in particular they were there to see. They ate all kinds of food, they went on the rides, and as the sun went down and the sky grew dark, Baekhyun found himself all alone for an extended amount of time. Chanyeol had run off to get another corn on the cob and Baekhyun just stood around waiting until a particular tent caught his attention. 

He had sworn he had seen everything, but he didn't notice that one until that moment. 

Get your fortune read for six thousand won. Learn about your past life.

The sign in front of the tent read enticingly and Baekhyun could not help but roll his eyes at the thought. There were people who would just do anything for money. And as he found himself walking towards the tent, he found that he was one of those idiots who was willing to pay for someone to blurt out random things they claimed to know about him. But he was in his disguise and there was no way this person could know he was Baekhyun of EXO. He thought to pass the time by seeing if this person could accurately tell him about his life, but also tell him about his supposed past life.

Maybe it was true that he had once been a prince of Goryeo, even though that was highly unlikely.

He pushed past the entrance of the tent hesitantly, only to find a woman sat at the end with the typical gypsy attire. Inside the tent was dark and the place was only slightly illuminated by a purple tint. 

Her face was covered by a veil and in front of her was a crystal ball that shone with purple lights. Around her were a couple of shelves with potions labeled with different things on them. Evil eye. Love. Money. Power. All of them were probably just sugar water and made to scam some poor fool out of his or her money. He thought it was all for show. He had seen those came crystal balls at a store in the mall and they were battery operated, nothing special. It was a store where they sold various novelties, but he remembered he and Chanyeol had been all over the gossip rags when they went there to have a look. That was because at the back of the shop they also had a section for sex toys. Fans and anti-fans alike had gone crazy with the news. The Chanbaek shippers swore they were there to buy sexual items. They were convinced that their presence there proved the theory that the two were secretly dating. But they were only friends, best friends at that.

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