.twenty six.

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.twenty six.

Minji sat on the rock overlooking the lake that was in her and Jung's secret place. It was the place they had been visiting more often now, since their engagement was made official and he wanted to have her attention all to himself. Though he would never admit it, he was growing a bit jealous of his hyung, and the one and off friendship he and Minji were having of the late. He wanted to put as much distance between them as possible. 

He had managed to convince her to join him in the water, after promising that he would do his best to help her back into her six layered outfit. Now she was sitting there, sitting out to dry, as she thought about her life of the past couple of days. 

It was so strange, having her best friend serve them and not be able to sit at the table when the group spent time together. Things were no longer as carefree and easy as they used to be. The other boys were more easily able to keep their calm around her, since they were raised in that sort of lifestyle. They could talk to the servants, but not make friends, and it was a rule they pretended to follow whenever the king was around. For Minji it was much more difficult because she was from a society where everyone was equal. She couldn't treat her friend as anything less.

But Yeon Hwa was over the moon and she was merciless in showing that Hajin was now relegated to being a mere servant and no longer a noble. She constantly tried to make Hajin's life difficult by making special requests on her meals, forcing her to server her every whim, and even going as far as tripping her so that she'd drop the tray of food she was bringing to them. With each time that it happened, Minji would jump out of her seat to help her, Yeon Hwa scoffing every time that a noble shouldn't need to lower herself to a servant's level. It was in those moments that Minji most felt like she could never get along with the princess, as much as Yeon Hwa continuously tried to befriend her and gain her trust back.

Now it was impossible to even talk to Hajin some times. She had her duties to fulfill in the palace and each time Court Lady Oh saw her talking to one of the princes, she'd scold her and take her away. The same was the case when she talked to Minji. "You're no longer of the same class as them, no longer a part of their world." She'd remind the seventeen year old coldly, shooting a respectful nod towards Minji as she grabbed Hajin by the arm and started to drag her away. "You can't just be friends with the royals and the nobles. You are here to serve them, and to serve them only."

Still, Minji always found a way to see her friend.

Jung noticed the way she had been quiet since they arrived at the lake, not even uttering a single word. Normally when they went there together they shared childhood stories, or talked about what it would be like when they were finally married. More likely he shared stories with her, since she still had no memory of it happening. This time she said nothing to him and kept to herself in her own thoughts.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, side eyeing her with concern. 

His words had quickly snapped her out of her thought and she turned towards him, simultaneously shaking her head to clear her thoughts. 

She heaved a sigh as she replied. "I just think its unfair what they're doing to Hae Soo. Just because she didn't want to marry the king she has to live out the rest of her days as a court lady."

The fourteenth prince was quick to reassure her. "But its not like she's being treated badly at the palace. My brothers and I are making sure of it." He placed a hand on her shoulder as a small smile formed on his lips. Minji only stared at him blankly. She wanted to think that things were going well for her friend, but it was difficult when she saw the way Court Lady Oh and Yeon Hwa were treating her. The two seemed like they were dead set against her. "Besides, I heard from Ji Mong that after the first rains of the season, the king grants a favor in order to balance out with the heavens. Sometimes he lets one of the court ladies out of the palace and relieves her of her duties." He explained as he took a bite of a piece of fruit they had brought to snack on while they were there.

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