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Through glares from the King and Wang Yo, Eun and Minji quietly found a seat and the wedding continued without another problem. Minji could feel her husband tense by her side, as he was likely still in shock. It had been his first kiss after all and she wanted to make it something special for him, but in the heat of the moment, she just couldn't help herself. She wanted to teach Yo a lesson and show him that she and Eun were going to make that marriage work, even if they had both been essentially forced into the marriage.

As they sat there ogether, Minji tied he best to comfort him and calm him down. She leaned her head on his shoulder and whispered reassurances to him. "I'm sorry if I took you by surprise, or if you didn't like it." She bit down on her lip nervously, he anger having died down enough to think things through. "Its just that he made me so mad, always picking on you and our marriage. I wanted him seething upon seeing us together and happy."

Her husband was silent.

She felt around for his hand until she found it, but she did not realize that he had placed his hand in her way when he saw her searching for him. They sat through the ceremony and afterwards the King excused himself, as he had business to tend to.

Everyone else stayed for dinner and opening the wedding presents. They had all been the standard presents, the same as they had given Eun and Minji at their wedding. When it got to Eun and Minji's present, they had actually given some thought as to what they gave them. It was expected, as Eun had grown up with Han all his life, and Minji had lived with Soon Deok all her life, or more likely the real Hak Soon had lived with Soon Deok all her life.

They opened Minji's present first, which was for her sister. It was a beautiful dress that she had gotten specially made for her sister. She had also gifted her a jewelry set which she had relied on Eun to pick out when they went to the market a few weeks back. But she trusted him enough to have made the right choice. Soon Deok smiled gratefully at her sister and pulled her in for a hug. When Han opened Eun's present, he was also happily surpised to find a new sword. The couple had both gone over to the market to pick out presents and Minji had suggested a new sword, with the family crest and designs that were only allowed for royalty.

As the ceremony ended and the crowd dispersed, Han and Eun stood off to the side talking. Eun had asked Minji to waiit for him a few feet off, as he had some questions for his brother that he didn't want her to hear. Minji suspected it had to do with fist kisses and baby making, since she heard the shyness in his voice as he asked her to wait fo him. She nodded and stood by, he sister had gone off to talk to their parents. In the span of a few months, their two daughters had gotten married and moved away. They were prepared to let Soon Deok go, since she was older. But they had been unprepared to let their fifteen year old Hak Soon go so soon.

Minji had been standing around when she felt a pair of arms encircle her. She thought it srtange, as it was something Eun never did, but she gave him the benefit of the doubt and let out a light giggle. "Eun-ah, are you ready to head back home?"

She turned in his arms, still thinking it to be her husband. But it was Wang Jung, who was confused in surprise when there was no reaction on her face. Her eyes seemed lost, looking out into nowhere, and his entire expression dropped as it all sunk in for him. She had been acting strange at breakfast the moning after the wedding, but he thought it had to do with the fact that she had been forced to marry Eun. He had been at first overcome with jealousy thinking that his bloved now belonged to another man, his own brother no less. And he didn't even want to think that by now they had shared a bed together, in more ways than one. Now he thought that it was the punishment the King had chosen for her--to make her blind for choosing to run away with Jung over getting married.

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