.twenty one.

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.twenty one.

When Eun realized that he was holding Minji's hand--the general's daughter who was the closest thing to a sworn enemy to him--he let go of it like she had sent an electric current through him. Minji looked down at the floor awkwardly as her hand dropped to her side, not knowing what to do or say. She was still surprised at the gesture, the fact that he had taken her hand in hers. But she knew it was all part of their act to look like friends, as the tenth prince claimed.

The silence in the room lasted a few long moments, until one of the other princes spoke up. It was Baek-ah, the thirteenth prince, who broke the silence by pointing something out. Of the youngest brothers, he was the one who most refrained from speaking in front of the king, or the older brothers. He was of the Silla clan and they had been taken out by king Taejo before he rose to power and founded the kingdom of Goryeo. Because of that, the thirteenth prince came from a family who had essentially lost their title, a fallen family. He was only royal through his father, and it was the reason his older brothers Yo and Won treated him like he was less than the others. They didn't feel that he shared the same status that they did. 

His father didn't treat him any different, but Baek-ah sometimes felt like deep down, his father had preferences. when he did feel that way, Baek-ah knew he was not one of the favorites.

"See? Eun hyung is always out in the field trying to catch birds." He said without even a hint of worry, knowing his brother all too well. Except this time he was wrong, but the information still found a way to work to the tenth prince's advantage.

His father's tone softened significantly, yet he still repirmanded one of his youngest sons with stern words, for making everyone worry like that. His reprimand was for Minji as well, who took the blame for Eun being out of the palace that morning. "It is far too early for two children to be playing out in the fields alone. Next time, Eun-ah, let someone know where you're going or wait until after breakfast."

The tenth prince gave a nod of his head. "Yes, your majesty."

"Sit and have breakfast with us." His father said, not discussing the matter any further. Looking to Minji, he offered a kind smile, his eyes crinkling with a gentle kindness. It was of the few times in a day in which he got to be a real father to his sons and not just be the King of Goryeo. "As the daughter to one of my closest friends, it would be an honor if you joined us for breakfast as well, Hak Soon-ah." 

Yo scoffed at his father's words, but spoke low enough that only a few of the princes sitting within ear shot were able to hear him. "She's not a royal, she doesn't have the same status as us. Even if she is of noble blood, it still isn't the same." If he thought that Baek-ah, being a prince of Goryeo, was not of the same status as the other princes, to him Minji was even lower. Her family was part of the noble class, and it was through the fact that her father was general of the army and one of the king's most trusted friends.

Minji was grateful for the invitation, but declined with a shake of her head. "I should be getting back. My mother and sister will be worried if they don't know where I am."

Now it was Eun who seemed to have a negative reaction. Still not having sat down at the table, he nudged her, saying under his breath, "If the king invites you to his table, it is a huge honor. You can't just decline. You have to sit now." He held his head low to prevent from the other boys and the king noticing that he was enticing her to stay.

Her eyes widened at the fact that she had just rejected the king in his own house, but she hadn't thought too much of it. "Uhm," She bowed her head gratefully. "Okay, I'll stay and have breakfast with you all."

But now Jung rose from his chair, eyebrows furrowed in displeasure at the fact that suddenly his betrothed was acting strangely, more strange than when he found her in the hot spring and she claimed to have forgotten everything. Now she was growing closer to his hyung, Prince Eun, and Jung had to admit that he didn't like it. His older brother was reaching marriage age with each passing day and he didn't want the king to notice their newfound closeness. If he did, he might instead arrange for Hak Soon to marry Eun instead. Prince Wang Jung would never allow that. 

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