.ninety eight.

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.ninety eight.


"I'm sorry for leaving you all alone."


It took a few weeks before Hajin finally woke up and Minji had been visiting her every single day. She spent all of her time at her job, and then visiting her friend at the hospital. She didn't see the boy again, the one who was identical to her Eun, even though she was visiting the museum almost every day. She didn't know who he was, what his name was, or how to even find him. There was no way she would ever see him again, unless he would once again return to the exhibit.

Minji spent her little amounts of free time researching what had happened in Goryeo after her death. She now knew with more detail that Yo had passed away after two years. Historians mentioned that he had gone crazy, tormented by the ghosts of his past. The guilt of having murdered his tenth brother never let him get an ounce of rest. 

"Brother! I don't want your throne brother. Let us leave and we will never return to Goryeo." The voice echoed through the walls of Yo's bedroom in the palace. The king was disheveled, tired, and his eyes darted from one side of the room to another. He knew the voice calling out to him well. It belonged to his younger brother Eun, who he had murdered savagely for something he did not do. Yo knew that Eun did not want to be king. But he wanted to slowly get any threats out of the way, so that he could be king for as long as possible.

Now he spent his nights in fear because Eun's voice was constantly calling out to him, begging for mercy.

"Think of our past bond, growing up together...." Eun continued and Yo covered his ears frantically.

"Stop! Please stop." He cried out to the ceiling of his bedroom. 

His mind was then filled with flashes of that day. Eun's eyes as they held no resentment. There was only a deep sadness that all of this was happening. And that he would never see his wife or his children again. Yo had been cruel and ruthless, taking the parents of four young children away. Back then it did not matter to him, he thought he did what he had to do. But now he was starting to think that the heavens were charging him for his crimes. They were making things balanced again.

He fell to the floor onto his knees and wept, but the voice of his brother never stopped tormenting him until his very last breath.

Minji felt a little bit bad for Yo. He had been a horrible person to her and even to his younger brother. But it was probably also horrible to be tormented by the ghosts of the past for the rest of his life. 

She continued searching through and reading several historical pages on the internet and through tedious digging, she also found out that as soon as So became king, he had gotten her and Eun properly buried with the other royals. His love for his brother Eun was so much that he had taken years to search for their bodies to lay them to rest. 

When So became king of Goryeo, Jung swore he would never return to the palace. The fourteenth prince had always held a resentment towards his brother, instilled in him by their mother. But he also resented So because of what happened at the courtyard that fateful day. He blamed So for being the one to finish Eun off, despite it being the tenth prince's last request. He knew his brother could have survived those injuries, but he did not want to understand that Eun did not want to continue living without his wife. 

Following their deaths, Jung had found refuge in Hajin and had alowly fallen in love with her. They both mourned Hak Soon together and he fell for another woman he could never have. It was also why he resented his older brother. Now that he found another woman he could love, after being in love with Hak Soon for over seven years, she loved another. And that was Jung's brother So.

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