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"His brother loved you, but would never admit it. He was always jealous of the bond you and his younger brother had. He wanted that kind of bond too, but not with just anyone."


Hajin moved in with Minji when she was released from the hospital and wanted to start working right away. But Minji insisted that she should take her time, her heart problems made her weak and tired, and Minji wanted her to get as much rest as possible before she could return to work at their news agency. Hajin felt bad though, that she was not contributing any income to the apartment. Minji assured her that it was fine. She had been saving up money for years, precisely for moments like this one in which she would need money. She was making pretty good money as a news assistant. But it still wasn't enough to cover all the bills and the rent considering that she lived in a nice apartment.

It was about a month before Minji talked to her boss at the agency. Hajin was a make-up artist with them before, and though her position was easier to replace, there was still always a need for make-up artists. When Minji was just starting out, the two of them had been a team. Minji was writing stories and very few times reporting them in front of a camera. But whenever she did, Hajin was her official stylist. 

Their boss heard about what happened to the two of them and agreed to let her work with them again. It hadn't been their fault that they had gotten into an accident and fallen into a coma after all.

Hajin was excited to start working again, since she was going to be partnered with Minji and the reporter she was working with. For many weeks, and even months, there wasn't a lot of work to do, since the group they were covering wasn't having their comeback yet. But as the comeback was approaching, they would have a lot of work to do and Minji would finally get to meet the idols she had been hearing about. The group of boys who she was going to be assigned to cover through their career path. But she had unfortunately had her accident the night before she was set to meet them. 

With her mind being preoccupied with learning about what was of everyone back in Goryeo, she hadn't even done her research on the group yet. She would probably have to do so before meeting with them so as not to look dumb in front of them. How could she not have heard of them already? EXO was apparently one of the most popular groups in the industry at the moment. 

With the day off from work, the two girls decided to go to a festival that was in town. An international festival. There would be rides, activities, and all kinds of food. Minji thought it would be a good idea to get a distraction. Especially for Hajin who was feeling a little bit down lately. She blamed herself for leaving So alone. She wanted to find him and apologize for letting pride and even fear get in the way of their love. But Minji understood her. From what her friend told her, it seemed that they needed some time to themselves. The only problem was that once she left him, he no longer wanted to hear from her. He was deeply hurt to the point that he almost hated her for it. 

The two walked into the festival and immediately Minji wanted to try all the foods. They had different types from about forty different countries. She wanted to try all of them. 

At one point during their visit of the festival, Hajin went to go use the restrooms. That left Minji waiting outside for her. She glanced around the festival where there were many tents. She wanted to make sure that they had tried everything and gone on all the rides when something caught her attention. It was a tent with a sign that read: Get your fortune read for six thousand won. Learn about your past life.

Minji was immediately curious. She knew that what she lived in Goryeo was probably her past life. That she was just probably a reincarnation of Park Hak Soon, or some kind of direct descendant. Her last name was Park in this life as well--Park Minji. But a fortune teller would probably be able to tell her if it was all real. If she could tell her what happened in her past life, without Minji ever mentioning any of it, then it had to be true. She needed more proof that it wasn't all just part of her imagination.

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