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quick a/n: yes, i added a new prince to the line up

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quick a/n: yes, i added a new prince to the line up. i will explain why at the end of the chapter.

Minji followed Jung around the village market as he ran his errands. As a prince of Goreyo, it was his job to make sure that things in the village were peaceful, though he was only fifteen and a lot of the time he was the one causing trouble. They stopped at one of the tents where a merchant sold all kinds of trinkets and toys that had been brought over from China.

Minji stopped as something caught her eye, a colorful silk ball that she picked up in her hands. The soft fabric felt nice to her touch and she marveled at its beauty. Jung had already moved onto the next little shop nearby, keeping a close eye on any people that might appear suspicious to him. He paused in his stride when he saw that Minji was no longer following him. He returned to her side just as she was placing the ball back in its place. 

She turned and bumped into him suddenly, as she had been distracted for a moment.

"Sorry, Jung oppa." She bowed her head slightly.

"Did you want that object?" He gestured to the ball which she had placed back on the counter with all the other trinkets.

Minji shook her head just as the merchant at the stand informed them with a warm and encouraging smile that was directed to the two teenagers. "Girls really like those little silk balls. They were brought in from China just last week and that one is the last one I have left. Legend has it that if a boy gives one of those to a girl that he likes, she will fall in love with him." Minji felt herself go red in the face. Seeing them together, walking around the market, he must have been mistaken and thought that they were a couple.

Jung scoffed at the story. "I don't believe in those things anymore."

Instead of moving on as she thought he would, he instead grabbed the silk ball and placed it in her hands. He reached into a satchel that he had brought with him and produced a few coins from it. 

"This should be enough for the ball." He handed them to the merchant, who nodded in agreement.

But Minji quickly shook her head. "You don't need to buy me presents, oppa." 

She motioned to place the ball back in its place, and Jung gave a shake of his head. "Keep it. I already paid for it and you looked like you really liked it." He stepped back towards the counter where all the different toys were displayed, now mumbling to himself. "I should probably get something for Eun too, since he likes toys so much. What do you think Hak Soon?" He asked a little louder, turning her way.

She observed the objects for a moment and saw a slingshot. "What about that one?" She pointed at it.

Jung picked it up in his hand. "This does look like something Eun would like. I'll take this too." He got more money out to pay for the other toy and the merchant nodded, taking the sling shot from Jung and placing it in a cloth bag which he handed to the prince.

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