.thirty three.

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.thirty three.

By the second attempt, Wang So refused to do the ritual and his older brother Yo was ready to jump at the opportunity to take his place. But Ji Mong and Hajin had other plans. The astronomer had talked to him, letting him know that he had to do the ritual again. That his name had been chosen as the will of the heavens, to which So responded by assuming he and the King had something to do with it. With Mu gone, they needed a patsy to stand in and take his place. Someone who was not after the throne and someone who was worthy of the position. 

Hajin had also explained to Minji the previous afternoon that she wanted to help him. The people of Goryeo had treated him that way because they saw him as a monster, since he wore a mask to conceal his face.

If he were to leave his mask behind and show them that there was nothing  underneath--or make them think there wasn't--they would like him. It was the way of the people back then. They didn't like anyone with even the slightest imperfection. 

For that, she spent all night, with the help of Minji who told her family she was sleeping over with Yeon Hwa. The two girls came up with a form of make up, which would be able to cover upo his scar and make him feel like a normal person. The next morning, just before the ritual, Hajin found the handsome and solitary fourth prince and asked him to follow her. He had been confused at first as to what she wanted. But when she explained that she wanted to help him, he was putty in her hands. 

Minji had stayed with them for a moment until she started feeling like she was an awkward third wheel. Then she went to take her place by her mother's side for the ceremony. 

There were moments of uncertainty because no one knew where the fourth prince was and if he would show up. The next best option to perform the ritual was the first prince, and he was nowhere to be found. He was supposed to have arrived hours ago, but Minji suspected the third prince had something to do with his delay, since he was ready to take the seat that had been set aside for his younger brother at the ritual.

Several minutes later, the crowd saw the fourth prince walk into the palace, performing the ritual as he entered. Everyone watched in awe as his face seemed to have been rid of the infamous scar that had been holding him back for years. His face was now flawless and handsome as ever, yet he still walked guarded, as though he thought he would get attacked any moment now. Minji looked towards Hajin who smiled proudly at the fact that he had overcome all the prejudice people had against him. So smiled back at her, catching her smile in the crowd. But her smile soon faded as she saw Wook watching her too.

He knew So's transformation had been her doing, and he wasn't sure if he liked it. 

As he reached the altar the sky seemed to grow dark, and rain started pouring from the skies, drenching everyone there within minutes. The Queen and Yo were seething with jealousy that it had been So of all people to have brought upon the rain.

The court cheered and the fourth prince basked in the pouring rain above him. He only moved to a more private place when he felt his make up trickling down his face. He was now considered the savior of Goryeo and it was all thanks to Hajin who had helped him. 


Things were prosperous in the Kingdom over the next few days, and still there were no signs of the king asking his tenth son if he had someone in mind to marry. Minji dreaded that day to come because of what Eun told her--that he would choose her. Perhaps it was something he had said in a bout of drunkenness and wouldn't actually go through with it. But the fifteen year old knew it would cause conflicts between brothers. She was set to marry Jung, yet Eun wanted to marry her because he had no one else in mind to be his wife. 

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