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Prince Eun left the house soon after the two girls entered. Hajin led Minji expertly through the courtyard of the large house and took her to the bedroom, where she had been living with her new family for the first few days since their accident. It was something neither of them would get used to. 

Once in the safety of her bedroom, Hajin heaved a confused sigh, plopping down on her bed. "Did...did that boy just confess to me?" She asked Minji, shooting her a look of utter confusion. "I thought he hated us." She then pointed out, making reference to not even a day before, when the two girls had gotten into a very public fight with the tenth prince. Then, he seemed to really dislike them. So much that he was willing to--and he swore that he would--hit them. In a span of about a night, he had now decided that he liked Hajin, and it had both girls confused.

Minji gave a shrug of her shoulders. "He still hates me, as you can see. He pretended to be nice and gave me a ride to your house, but he kept messing with the horse to scare me."

At that, her friend couldn't help but let out a small giggle, which she tried to stifle by covering her mouth. "I saw that. You looked so funny clinging onto that horse for dear life."

Minji shot her a glare in response. But then she cut the distance between them and sat on the bed beside her. She thought about her supposed sister Soon Deok, and how they had made a deal. She had to tell Hajin about it, and maybe her friend would help her. "Well, my Goryeo sister seems to be really into the shrimp prince. And I told her I would help her win him over. But if you're into him, then that might be a problem...I mean, you're my best friend. But...she's my sister."

Hajin gave a quick shake of her head and crinkled up her nose as she spoke. "I'm not into him, don't worry. I'm just trying to get out of here."

"Then its settled." Minji grinned at her response. "I figured a good deed like getting two people together is the least we can do while we're here."

The two girls saw a shadow pass their door and they didn't give it any importance. That was, until the door swung open and they were met with a girl, about their age, wearing a permanent scowl on her face. That scowl softened ever so slightly until a look of surprise to see Minji there with Hajin. "I thought I heard your voice. What are you doing in her room, Hak Soon?" The girl asked, pursing her lips in displeasure as she regarded Hajin. Behind her was a group of about six handmaids to tend to her every beck and call. Just from seeing that, Minji gathered that the girl was important.

"I'm visiting my friend." Minji replied with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders. She then placed her hand on Hajin's lap comfortably. They had been friends since primary school in the present times. But in Goryeo times, it was strange for people who knew them to see them together. The two girls were apparently supposed to be like polar opposites.

By now, she was used to responding whenever someone called her Hak Soon. If she was honest, the name was even beginning to grow on her. It was the name she would have to go by as long as she was still in Goryeo.

The girl widened her eyes at Minji with surprise, and then scoffed. "We're not friends with her."

She went forward and grabbed Minji's hand, pulling her off the bed. Without a word to either of them, she led Minji out of the room. She shot her friend looks and mouthed to her 'save me!' but Hajin whispered back that she'd better go with her, and that she'd find her later.

The girl led Minji to a terrace that overlooked the entire courtyard of the house, where she was having tea with Jung. The fourteenth prince smiled wide and rose from his chair when he saw them enter. He first pulled Minji in for a tight hug, while Minji just went limp in his arms. She really had no familiarity with any of them. At least not enough to show them that type of affection yet. "Your sister said you were coming here to see Yeon Hwa noona, so I decided to have some tea with the two of you today. Then I thought we could go into town again." He said with excitement shining in his eyes as he thought about going into town. The princes didn't get to go out and have fun often, since they had their duties to take care of.

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