.ninety one.

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.ninety one.


"That girl...I have loved her my whole life, with all my heart. She is the rain of my soul, my best friend. I...I cannot let her go alone."


Eun had been found by the soldiers by the private baths and dragged away towards where Yo was waiting. By the time Minji found her way to the courtyard, the commotion was already happening outside. The tenth prince fully cooperated with the soldiers, thinking that his wife and children were currently on the boat that would take them far away from there. They would surely miss him, but time had a way of healing wounds, and they could surely forget about him. They could start a new life away from all the hate against them in Goryeo. 

He was taken in front of the king where he saw Yo standing atop the stairs that went up into the palace. By his side was Yeon Hwa with tears stinging her eyes when her gaze locked with her brother's. Eun knew his sister could do nothing to help him, even if she might want to. But he did not resent her for it. They had long since been on good terms and he knew Yeon Hwa cared about him and Minji. He saw Jung being held back by soldiers on the far side of the courtyard. Despite their disagreements, Eun caught pity in his brother's eyes because they both knew what was going to happen next.

Yo watched his younger brother with a smirk on his face, feeling every bit thrilled that he had won. He had been unable to capture the other three, but surely executing Eun in the courtyard would serve as a lesson for anyone who might want to challenge his throne. That would also assure that Han would very likely not be coming back less he wanted to continue living.

The tenth prince searched his brother's eyes for any sign of faltering. Any sign that he might let him leave that day. He found none. He opened his mouth to plead him for mercy, yet no sound would come out. He was terrified, his heart beating madly in his chest. And the feeling got even worse as his heart dropped when he heard a voice calling out to him a few ways away. "Eun, my love...Where are you?" The dainty voice of his wife called for him desperately. 

Everyone turned their heads in the direction of the sound to find Park Hak Soon stumbling blindly into the courtyard, her hands at arms length ahead of her, to prevent her from knocking into any walls or people. Eun, Jung, and Yeon Hwa felt their breath hitch in their throat and it was like their hearts collectively stopped as one. But Wang Yo was thrilled to see her there because it was yet another person to add to his successful kill list. The grand general's daughter, his tenth brother's wife. She was a wanted criminal of the kingdom, according to him, and she was willingly turning herself in to him.

The guards that were surrounding Eun lunged forward in her direction, trying to apprehend her. But Eun found surprising strength and fought back, pushing them out of the way to get to her. He cupped her face in his hands, tears brimming his eyes and his voice faltering with emotion. "I told you not to follow me. Why would you do this? I told you that I would follow you soon." He said to her, his voice full of sadness as he rested his forehead on hers and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

"I couldn't let you go alone." She said to him, offering him the faintest hint of a smile.

"Don't just stand there and watch them." Yo said to the soldiers with annoyance. Pointing a finger at the young couple, he instructed, "Apprehend them now and subdue them so that we can get started. We must make an example of these people so that future enemies of the kingdom will think twice before challenging me."

Eun stood in front of his wife protectively, a hand resting on her arm as he shielded her from the attackers with his body. 

"Don't worry, jagi." He said to her bravely. "I will keep you safe."

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