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"General Wang Jung led us on a wild goose chase through the palace. He's on their side and was trying to protect the traitors from the start, so that they would have time to escape."


"His majesty turned himself in to the soldiers." Hae Soo started in a solemn tone and everyone fell silent. It was like a huge weight had fallen on their chest and they all collectively found it difficult to breathe, their hearts wrenched and a terrible feeling in their stomachs. Han especially found himself choking up at her initial words. This was his brother who he had been with since the moment he was born. They had the same mother and father, unlike most of the other princes who were typically only children or had sisters. They had always been together and now it was very likely that he would never see him again. Yo wanted him dead, and turning himself in, it was more than likely that he would succeed. By his side, he saw from the corner of his eye how Soon Deok's eyes filled to the brim with tears. 

If Minji wasn't somewhere close by and didn't join them soon, it was clear what was going on. Hae Soo didn't even have to say it.

The court lady continued explaining through saddened eyes. "Lady Hak Soon didn't want to let him go alone, so she went after him. I tried to stop her, I really did. But she just wouldn't listen to me."

Baek-ah muttered angrily through tears in his eyes that stung and made his vision blurry. "Those two idiots. They could have made it here if they tried. Everything was going so well." He was saying this more to himself than to anyone else. Without another word, he took off running back towards the palace. He knew it would be futile. But perhaps if he pleaded with his brother Yo, then maybe he could let them go. The were absolutely harmless to the kingdom and everyone knew it.

Now with six children on the small boat and the two adults, Soon Deok handed the smaller children to her husband and took one step off the boat. She was determined to do something about it. She didn't want to leave without them, and she didn't just want to sit there and wait for something to happen. Her father always said that if one wanted to see a change, one had to be the first to initiate it. "I have to go help my sister. She needs me, I have to protect her."

Han wanted to do the same. Every fiber in his being wanted to take off running behind Baek-ah too. To see what he could do to help as well. The fighters in their respective families were both Soon Deok and Han. They knew Eun and Hak Soon could not defend themselves, as much as they would probably try. Han motioned to leave the boat as well with a hastily made plan. They wanted to sneak back into the palace, retrieve the missing couple, and bring them back to the docks. All while leaving the six small children in the care of Hae Soo. Han knew their chances were slim, but he also knew that they had to try if they wanted to see their siblings again.

Hae Soo stopped them with her words, trying to reason with them. Yet she was gentle, so as not to stir up their emotions any further. She didn't want them to think that she didn't care about Eun and Minji. She just wanted them to remember that they were responsible for the children now. Without them, Yo would find them and either have them killed off, or sent off to orphanages or peasant families if he was feeling kind enough. Eun and Minji would not want that fate for their children. 

"His majesty and Hak Soon surely will not make it." She said as she tried to bite back her tears. The back of her throat was starting to hurt as well, from keeping in her sobs. "If you go find them, the four of you will die and then the children will have no one to take care of them. You must think of them now before you make a decision."

At that, Soon Deok started sobbing while standing on the docks. Han stepped out of the boat and pulled her into his arms, after settling Eunji in Soohyun's arms to watch over her for a moment. It hurt him to see her in such pain, as did it hurt him to come to terms with the fact that he would never see Eun nor Minji ever again. Soon Deok cried into the material of his gown, her tears soaking through the fabric, and he just held her, shedding tears silently.

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