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Minji woke up the next morning, finding that she was still in the Goryeo era. She was certain that maybe if she slept it off, eventually she would be back home in the twenty first century. But that wasn't the case and she was beginning to lose hope. She would have to get used to the fact that she might be stuck there--trapped in a fourteen year old girl's body--possibly for the rest of her life. 

As the previous day, her servants helped her changed clothes, no matter how much she insisted that she was okay on her own. Then she joined her mother and sister in the backyard for breakfast. Her father--or Park Hak Soon's father--was still out of town, per the king's orders. Minji scarfed down her meal quickly, since she had made plans to visit Hajin at the eighth prince's home. Hajin was the only person she remembered from back home, and she was also the only person Minji felt comfortable around. Although, she had to admit she was also growing fond of the fourteenth prince.

She rose from her seat at the table and bid her mother and sister a goodbye. "I'll be back later." she said to them in a rush. "I'm going to visit my friend Hae Soo."

Soon Deok and their mother had no time to say anything else before she was out the door. She didn't exactly know the way to the eighth prince's house. But she had tried to pay attention the previous day when she went with Jung. 

Minji tried to get there walking, taking her time and pondering about things. The last thing she remembered from the present was drowning in the lake and seeing an eclipse when she tried to save Hajin. The mysterious eclipse could have had something to do with them being transported into a past time. Perhaps--Minji thought--she needed an eclipse to happen in  order to get back. But she just couldn't make them happen. 

She was going to have to wait.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by a loud yelling. "Hey! Get off the road!" A male voice called to her with annoyance. His yelling was followed by the loud neighing of a horse and hooves scratching against the ground as he came to a stop behind her. The voice sounded familiar, and in his tone was a clear sense of superiority. Like he was entitled to the whole stretch of road if he wanted it. Minji shook her head to clear her thoughts. She hadn't realized that in her daze, she was walking right in the middle of the empty road. Only now there was someone trying to get by.

Turning to face the person, she was met with none other than the tenth prince. Behind him were two palace guards accompanying him on horseback. Prince Eun's eyes quickly narrowed into a glare, and her lips came together to form a tight line. He did the same. They were both clearly displeased to see each other. 

"You again." Minji placed her hands on her hips, rolling her eyes at him.

"Why are you always everywhere I go?" He accused, narrowing his dark eyes at her with suspicion. "Are you following me?"

Minji was quick to respond with a scoff. "I was here first."

"Just get out of my way." He barked an order at her. "I'm trying to get somewhere."

"The road is big enough for all of us, so piss off. Its a free country--" She stopped herself when she thought about what she was going to say as her comeback. She was in Goryeo, which was ruled by King Taejo. Even though her comeback was just a saying, there really was no accuracy behind it. This wasn't a free country

Eun was a prince, and he could make her walk through the mud if he wanted to.

With a defeated sigh, she decided not to fight with him any longer. She stepped to the furthest side of the road and shot him a look. "I'll just walk over here. Are you happy now, your majesty?" She mocked at the last bit.

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