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"I am happy love. I'm just...scared. He is weak because of me." 


For the next couple of weeks, Minji was woken in the mornings by a wave of morning sickness. Eun slept soundly by her side, arms around her small frame, and she always had to pry his arms away gently to get away to the chamber pot they had in another room. More recently she had gotten a new one placed by the side of her bed so she wouldn't have to run off every morning. Her husband was woken by the sounds of her gagging on one particular morning, and he watched her with concern as she held her hair out of her face and spilled the contents of her stomach into a pot next to their bed.

"You've been feeling ill lately, haven't you?" He asked her with a frown on his face. He then added, "Maybe we should call in the doctor so he can give you some medicine."

Minji wiped the residue from her mouth and once again stable and feeling better, she turned towards him with a sigh. "I'm not exactly sure if it's a regular illness, love." He raised an eyebrow at her in question, and when he remained silent, she continued. "It feels like an all too familiar feeling that I've had before...But I don't want to get our hopes up." Her random dizziness, her nausea, her sudden distaste for foods she normally liked and ate before. They all felt like the same symptoms she had a year and a half prior when she was going to have the twins. But she also thought that they could just be common flu symptoms and she didn't want to get ahead of herself. She didn't want to say something was true, when she wasn't sure if it was.

Her husband eyed her with curiosity, not really understanding what she meant.

He offered to call the doctor once more, and Minji agreed. She thought it was for the best to confirm or deny her suspicions. When the maids came in to help them get dressed, he sent one of them in search of the doctor. He arrived with her nearly an hour later. He had other nobles to tend to, but was instructed to drop everything and go to the royals' aide if they were to need him. Royals like prince Eun and his wife were considered in the highest esteem over even the highest ranking nobles. No one could outrank a prince, or the king himself.

The doctor went over the typical tests to check for her heart pressure and heart rate. But then he started getting into the more detailed tests. Eun sat in the room with Minji, still clueless and concerned for her health. He was still a little prince after all who knew nothing about life. 

As the doctor examined her, she began to explain some of her symptoms. "I've been having horrible morning sickness for weeks, and strange dizziness. All of this reminds me so much of when..." She stopped herself short, not wanting to say it aloud. It wasn't because she didn't want it. She wanted more children with Eun. But they had only gotten intimate twice since the twins were born because of her fragile state, and she didn't want to get her hopes up. she didn't want to get Eun's hopes up either, especially not if they were going to be crushed right away.

The doctor only listened silently and continued with his tests. One of the tests included having him rub the crook of her arm, on the opposite end of her elbow, and Minji winced as he dug his thumb into her skin. Eun shot him a glare, but stayed put, as he understood that it was all for the sake of his wife's well being. 

That happened to be his final test, and he jotted some notes in a little book he carried with him. He stayed quiet a few moments longer, evaluating his notes, and then looked at Minji who was sat on her bed, Eun's arms around her nervously. "Congratulations, your majesty." He said to the two of them, although there was a hint of worry on his face. "Your wife is bearing you another child. I will prescribe vitamins for her to take, as he is still weak from her previous pregnancy, and this may result in a sickly child." Minji felt her breath catch in her throat. Though she was overjoyed that she and her husband had another baby on the way, she was concerned that maybe they should have waited longer to have more children. The doctor's warning about their baby's health made her feel like it was her fault.

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