.eighty six.

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.eighty six.


"His majesty was actually right when he said that happiness was fleeting. My brothers and I were never that happy together again."


Minji had asked for Hajin's help in getting out of the palace. Soon Deok explained to her sister that she had already talked with Baek-ah and he had promised to help. But Minji knew that as the head court lady, Hajin had a more specific control of the palace. There were court ladies everywhere, cleaning, washing, doing chores. But Hajin could make sure that they weren't in a specific place at a certain time. She could make sure that the hallways they needed for their escape would be cleared out.

Hajin visited the family for the three remaining days they would be there and promised to help her friend, and when she left the tenth prince's room on the last day, she went to go find Wang Jung. He had just gotten out of lunch with his mother and he smiled warmly when he saw Hajin. He remembered all the good times they had together with him, his brothers, Hak Soon, and Hae Soo. The moment she approached him, she grabbed his arm and asked him to follow her, which took him by surprise. They went into his private quarters and Hajin looked both ways before she shut the door. Once in the room, she still held her voice down into a whisper, in case someone had seen and followed them.

"I need you to help me with something of utmost importance." She said to him.

He was immediately taken off guard, since he never really associated with Hae Soo anymore. Not since they were both teenagers. What could she possibly want that involved him? But then he thought it was probably something regarding Hak Soon. 

"Baek-ah is waiting for me in the caves that lead out of the palace." She informed him, and Jung said nothing, but there was still a look of confusion on his face. "We heard from Hak Soon, and she's hiding somewhere in the palace--"

At the mention of her being there, Jung was overtaken with excitement and he cut her off. His eyes shone brightly at the thought of seeing the woman he loved once more. "Hak Soon is here? You must take me to her." He had been worried about her over the past few days. He didn't know if she was well, or if she was even still alive. He was relieved to know that she was in the palace. But that meant that it would be difficult for her to escape, especially with four children, now that Yo had taken extra security measures.

Hajin gave a shake of her head. "I don't think that would be a good idea." His expression of excitement immediately dropped. But the court lady continued. "Baek-ah and I are going to clear the path for them. He's been moving rocks for three days, but he has gotten tired and could use some help. I can try to help your brother, but it would be faster if you helped us as well. Maybe helping her escape will give you closure, so you can finally let her go from your life and your heart."

Though it hurt Jung in his heart, he had to agree. "Only because I know she's in grave danger if she stays here."

He also thought about his brother Han, his sister in law Soon Deok, the children, and even Eun. They had done no wrong to be treated as criminals of the kingdom. They didn't deserve what Yo wanted to do to them. He agreed to help and went to go find his brother Baek-ah in the caves. Hajin had some chores to do before being able to join them, but as soon as she was able to, she went to their aid. But they had been doing well without her, especially with Jung's help. The two boys had managed to remove most of the rocks before she even got there.

It was night time on the final night when the boys informed Hae Soo she could go and rest. They would be at it for a few more hours before going to bed themselves. The court lady thanked them, and washed up, but before going to bed, she made sure that the palace was absolutely dead silent before she set up a bath as a nice surprise for her friend and her husband. She went to their room and knocked on the door. She opened the door slowly to find the family sitting there in fear once again. But they were relieved when they only saw Hae Soo. The court lady smiled warmly at them, making the parents an offer. "I've set up a bath for you two to relax before your journey tomorrow morning."

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