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*4 years later*
Addison's POV :
Today is my last day of freshman year in college. Me and Johnny left on a bad note.

He didn't want me to fly all the out to New York City. It was my dream school since I was little I mean how could I pass up the opportunity.

He actually didn't even know I left I just got my things and flew out there.

I was at the terminal with one of my friends I met there.Dylan.

"Maybe I'll come and visit you in sunny side California "he said. "No you really should"I said. "I'll think about it ". "Why don't you just move there"I said.

"Well I guess this is goodbye"I said. "I guess so fields"he said. We hugged and I went on the plane.

*skipping all the boring plane stuff*

I called Brandon because I know khia is asleep at 12:00 pm.

"Hey"he said with happiness in his voice. "Hi"I said mocking him. "We'll be there in about 10 minutes you are in section b right "he said. "Yes I am be here quick"I said.

Oh I missed his voice. Brandon is like amazing. Everyone thought he was gay when we were little but turns out he wasn't. He was just really into fashion .

I saw his black escalade pull up and a smile grew across my face.

"Addy"he said coming up to me. "Brandon"I said. "I missed you so much "he said. "Well I missed you to"I said. "So how was New York cold as ever "he said. "Yea"I said.

"So who all did you bring "I asked. "Um just Johnny "he said quietly. "Why"I said. "Well we were on our way back home then you called me so"he said.

No seeing your boyfriend or ex-boyfriend what ever he is in over a year is pretty intimidating.

I hopped in the car and Johnny's head quickly turned around to see. His eyes and my eyes met each other. His filled with sadness and mine filled with confusion and anger.

I didn't bother to say hi or anything. Neither did he so it didn't matter.

"I'll be back "Brandon said getting out of the car. I nodded.

I went on my phone to text my parents I'm home. "You can't avoid me forever"he said. "Well I did for a whole year so I'm pretty sure I can"I said snapping back.

"Well your talking to me right now so your really not"he said. "Asshole"I said quietly.
Brandon dropped me off at my parents house. "Hey maybe I'll see you later"he said. "Yea don't count on it"I said.

The house looks the same. White on the outside fountain in the middle of the driveway.

"Mom,dad I'm home". I heard no response so I went to the kitchen. There was a note.

"Sorry honey we couldn't be there when you got back were at a business meeting"it read. Of course they are.

Well maybe Jared is home. Jared is my little brother. You see my uncle has a son who is Jared and my uncle passed away so he lives with us now.

Everleigh moved back to her moms house in New Jersey so I don't see her anymore.

" Jared "I said. I went upstairs and there he was playing call of duty advanced warfare. "Oh hi addy "he said. "Hi Jared "I said.

I went into my room which looked the exact same.

Maybe I should call Lyssa. She moved down here which is pretty cool.

"Hey Lyssa"I said. "Hi are you home"she said. "Yea actually I was going to Brandon's later"I said. "Oh"she said. "Wanna come"I asked.
"Well duh I want to".

I changed my clothes and took a nap. Jet lag sucks.
"Wake up motherfucker it's time to go"Lyssa said yelling into my ear. "Shut the fuck up"I said putting the pillow over my head.

"Ok I'm up"I said giving up.

I brushed my hair and put on better clothes.

I grabbed my keys to my Audi A7 that I got for my 16 the birthday.

"Jared we'll be back maybe"I said poking my head in through the door. "Ok " he said.
We pulled up to Brandon's Californian home.

We walked up to the steps of the house and I knocked. "Addy I didn't think you were gonna come"he said.

"Why wouldn't I come"I said. "Johnny"he said. "Let me guess he is here isn't he"Lyssa said.

He nodded and let us in.

I said hi to Jacob,Khia,Sam,Kevin , and Nate.

Me and Alyssa sat on the couch closest to the kitchen and I saw Johnny and Molly together.

She just can't keep her legs closed can she.

"She is practically sucking his face off"Lyssa said. "A hoes gotta be a hoe"I said.

Well if wants to be with Molly. Then I'll find someone else.

Nate. "Oh hey addy"he said rolling up a blunt for him. "Hi Nate "I said smiling at him.

"Is this like your passion "I asked. "No it's just keeps calm and I enjoy it"he said. "It looks peaceful "I said. "Let me show you something "he said getting up.

We went into his room and he had a lot of albums and stuff.

"Nice room"I said looking around. "Thanks "he said. "Why did you bring me back here "I asked sitting on the bed. I wasn't paying attention because I went on my phone.

I looked up and Nates lips were on mine and his body hovering over me.

I kissed back. He took off his shirt and I took of mine. Things escalated from there. We didn't actually have sex or anything.

"Why did you do that"I asked. "Why not do it"he said.

We put our clothes back on and walked out back into the party.

I went to find Lyssa. Oh I found here hanging with Sammy.

Nate was by my side the entire time.

We sat down on the couch and he had arm wrapped around me.

"Hey I'll be back in going to the bathroom"I said to him. "Ok"he said.

I got up and headed to bathroom and I was pulled back by someone. That someone was Johnny.

"What the fuck is wrong with you"I said. "Really Nate"he said. "Really Molly"I said. I pushed his arm away and went to the bathroom.

I walked out trying to get the Johnny encounter out of my head.

"Hey are you ok"Nate asked pulling me closer. "Yea just tired that all"I said.
The last thing I remembered was saying bye to khia and Lyssa.
Yes Sk8 and Sammy are in here.

Instagram: factingbrennan or reillyslayss

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