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*5 months later*
Addys POV :
"Are you sure you want to go "Nate asked. "Yes we agreed on being friends so nothing bad should happen"I said fixing his tie.

"I love you" he said. " I love you too". He kissed me on the cheek and went to finish his manly stuff.

I have already decided on the baby's name. I already know the gender and so does Johnny.

It will be a little hard knowing he's marrying someone. I should be fine hopefully.

Molly is a great girl for him . Johnny really loves her and I guess seeing him happy makes me happy.
I saw Molly walk down the aisle with the most beautiful dress I have ever seen in my life. She looked very happy. Hell they both did.

Nate grabbed my hand and held it there.

"Do you Johnny take Molly to be your lawfully wedded wife "the pastor said. "I do"he said smiling with tears in his eyes. "Do you Molly take Johnny to be your lawfully wedded husband". "I do".

"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride"he said.

Everyone clapped for there then kissing and being married.
"Congratulations on being Mrs. Orlando "I said to Molly with a genuine smile this time.

"Thank you so much I can't believe it".

"Hey addy can we talk in private"Johnny asked. "I'm yea I don't see why not"I said.

He pulled out into this hallway type place. "What did you need"I asked. "I really wanted you say something when he asked who didn't accept of us "he said.

"Why would I say something I've moved on from you and you have to"I said in confusion as to why he would want me to.

"I know I shouldn't have said that it's just j thought you would ". "Well you thought wrong ".

I walked back to where Nate and Sammy where. "So when is you guys wedding "sam asked. "Whenever he proposes"I said.

" that will be far from now "Nate said.

I'm not ready to settle down and get married just yet at least. Wait until the baby comes which should be next month around September 14-18.

I have the kid for four days and Johnny has the kid for three days.
"Do you think we will ever have kids"Nate asked playing with my hair as we laid in bed. "Yea of course I don't see why we wouldn't"I said.

"Just making sure I want a family with you"he said. "So do I "I said.


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