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Addys POV :
Today is the last day of the vacation. I'm very sad to go home. I had so much here honestly.

"I'm gonna miss this place "I said to Nate. "Me too only became its so peaceful "he said.

"I hate Los Angeles "I said. "I think everyone does honestly it's too busy and so much drama"he said. "Too much drama"I said.

Nate and I have been talking. Only as friend I've made that very clear to him. I'm not ready to move yet.

"I still don't see why you don't like me"he said in a bossy attitude. "Partly because your a dick and I'm not ready yet"I said.

"Ok i understand the dick part but how come your not ready to move on Johnny obviously has and he doesn't care about you"he said proving a point.

"I know but I still feel like he does even though I know he doesn't "I said getting frustrated at myself. "Addy if you know this than why are holding your self back from loving someone else ".

At that moment I practically threw myself into his arms and tears started rushing down my face. "Hey it's ok. Don't cry it's gonna be ok"he said wiping the tears from my cheeks with his thumbs.

"No it's not Nate I'm gonna end up being a single mother and living alone knowing that someone I really cared about is gone-"I got cut off by Nate pulling me in close rocking me back and forth. He was holding me in a protective boyfriend hug.

"Nate please don't ever leave me "I whispered in his ear."I won't ever leave you I promise and I mean it"he said back.
I sat next to Nate on the plane. He has a heart. It's not like sammys or Dylan's.

He's very heartwarming and I feel safe around him.

I took a picture of us ok snapchat and posted it on my story. Just to let the people know I'm very well alive.

"I posting this one on Instagram "he said choosing one of the pictures in the phone.

"I didn't even like that one anyways"I said being sarcastic as usual. "Loser"he said.
We landed back in Los Angeles. Everything is the same as before. Except I have to see Johnny today because sams having a party and he invited him and down other people.

Bora Bora is absolutely amazing and it's so beautiful. It really released a lot of feelings I had bottled up.

I want to do that again but maybe with a boyfriend or a husband one day. If I ever get any of them I'll be very shocked.

Who knows maybe it will be Johnny and Addy against or Addy and Nate.

"You can stay with me while he's here"Nate said. "So your like bodyguard now"I said. "Personal body guard".

"Are you and Johnny still friends "I asked looking up at him. "Yea were still friends and he doesn't have to know about us "he said in a relaxed voice.

"I just don't want to get in the way of you guys friendship ". "If you do I know it will be for a good reason and Johnny will always need me or else he can't smoke a blunt"he said.

"You don't mind me smoking around you do you I just want to make sure"he asked very serious. "No you do it all time and it doesn't affect me"I said.
"So how are you and Johnny "I asked Molly. I'm trying to let the past go and make amends.

"We're doing great he proposed to me last week actually"she said with a big smile on her face holding her hand out to show me the big diamond on her finger.

"Congratulations Molly"I said with a fake smile. "Have you found a special someone yet"she asked. "Kinda". Only because this bitch Molly took the first one.

"Well I will see you later I'm gonna find khia"I said saying goodbye from Molly.

They have only been dating for not that long and she's engaged. Guess who be at their wedding This girl that's who.

I was interrupted with my thoughts by bumping into someone. "I'm so sorry"I said to the man. "It's ok"a familiar voice said.

"Johnny". "Addy"? "Yea I'll just go I should have never bothered you"I said with hurt in my voice.

"Addy wait"he said. "What"I said snapping back.

He said something that I didn't expect for him to say.


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