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* disclaimer smut scene in here so skip if u don't want to read*

Addys POV :
Me and Johnny are better we have agreed to be friends for now.

We're not rushing anything right now.

"Babe can you please just go get my jacket out of the closet"Johnny said. "No get it yourself"I said.

"Fine"he said getting up from the bed and getting his jacket.

He owns his own business. I know he went from music pop star to owning his own company.

Inherited from his dad.

He looks very professional right now I've never seen him like this.

"Wow"I said admiring him in that suit and tie. "What"he said smirking a little.

"You look very hot in that Mr. Orlando"I said. "Well you look very sexy next to me with no clothes on"he said. His sexual remarks make me laugh.

"Haha"I said pushing him out of the door.

"I'll see you later"he said pecking my lips in between each word. I smiled and closed the door.
"I'm home"he said walking through the door. "I see your home"I said pointing obvious.

He picked me up and put me on the counter and started kissing my neck and lips and all over. I wrapped my legs around his torso and put my hands around his neck.

"Round 2 upstairs"he said. I nodded and we went upstairs.

He took off his shirt and told me to take off my shirt as well.

"Your so fucking beautiful "he said groping my boob.

We're completely naked and he ripped open the packet and slipped it on. As I Laid down on my back.

"Ready"he asked. "Yes please"I said out of breathe. He forcefully went in and out putting so much into every time he went in.

"Johnny"I said screaming his name over and over again. "Baby scream my name louder "he said.

He turned me on my stomach and kept going .

He eventually stood up and did on the wall. He grabbed my boob and started rubbing in a circle aggressively and started to become more sensitive.

I was moaning and screaming from all of the pleasure that he brings me.

This isn't mine first time so I felt good like always.

He laid me back on the bed and bare skin against mine felt so good. I could do this more often.
"Your amazing in the bed "I said putting on one of his long shirts. I put my underwear back on I don't like to wear bras around the house if I'm about to go asleep.

"So are you"he said. I knows he looking at my nipples through my shirt. They are practically sticking out from the shirt I had on. He picked a tight one for me to wear.

"My nipples are the only thing your looking at"I said walking down the stairs. "Pretty much besides your beautiful face "he said.

"Round 3 later tonight "he said walking around the kitchen . "Maybe depends how I feel"I said teasing him by pressing my body against his.

"Stop your making me horny again "he said in a sexy way.

I pecked his lips and walked away and upstairs.

I love playing with his feelings. It's funny watching his get mad at me.

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