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*1 week later*
Addys POV :
"Chloe your here. Did Nate invite you"I asked wondering if I invited her or not.

We're back again at another business party. So much fun besides the fact Johnny is here.

He keeps giving me sexy looks every time we make eye contact. I'm trying my best to not make a scene and so far it's working.

The only time I need to talk to him his when he wants Kingsley. Other than work but he's so seductive with his charm.

Know I see why I was love struck and head over heels for him.

"Hey I'll be back "I said giving Chloe a friendly smile to dismiss my absence.

"Ok hurry back"she said. I walked over to Johnny to give him a piece of my mind.

"Hey can we talk in private"I said trying to be demanding. "Of course we can"he said winking at me at the end of his sentence.

I pulled him into a janitors closet that was pretty spacious actually. "Why are we in-"he started but I cut him off by pressing my lips against his.

Obviously I'm wearing a pretty short but appropriate length dress. I wore a thong today great choice Addison.

"I'm about to make you cum faster than ever"he said whispering seductively into my ear as my hands wrapped around his neck being pressed up against a wall.

He inserted two fingers inside me and went in and out for a good 2 minutes. Those two minutes were the best I've had in a long time.

"Johnny"I moaned in low voice. He came out and licked his fingers. I gave him a quick handjob. I could tell he enjoyed it being as my boobs are practically red from him squeezing them so hard.
I walked out with shame and disappointment of cheating on Nate.

I fixed my dress and walked back into the event to find Chloe. I was pulled aside by a pissed off Nate.

"What the fuck we're doing with Johnny"he said through his teeth. "We didn't do anything or anything bad at least"I said telling one fourth of the truth.

"It doesn't matter addy I trusted you to not get back with him and you betrayed me"he said showing the sensitive side of him.

"Nate I didn't mean for it to happen it's just he kept doing inappropriate things to me and I couldn't take it anymore"I said.

"Like what things "he said getting mad again. "He would touch my butt and send me things about sex and how he misses me"I said.

"Baby why didn't you tell me early I can get him out of the contract"he said.

"I knew you would be mad because of him and everything and I didn't want to ruin your deal with his dad"I said."addy your safety is more important than a contract deal".

"I'm still pissed off that I had very big corporates come up to me and say they saw you go back with him "he said . "I know I would hate me too".

"Please next time just tell me".


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