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Addys POV :
Johnny and I have been getting along very well. We used to fight almost every week and than get back together.

Those were the days but we're both grown up and mature or at least I'm mature.

Some exciting news is that Kingsley learned how to walk. She's attempted to for awhile but never accomplished the art of walking.

She's a slow learner so things don't come so easily like they should.

One day she will get things easily but for now not so much.

"Hey babe I have a surprise for you"Johnny said. "What is it"I asked turning around. "Reservation for your favorite place at the grove tonight 6:30"he said. "Really babe that's amazing"I said with a smile on my face.

I haven't gone on a date in forever actually.

"I love you"he said. "I love you more"I said. "Keep saying that because it means something to me"he said and went to pick up Kingsley.

"Is she ready for her nap"he asked. "I believe so she looks tired so I'm going to say yes"I said. "Well I'll take her upstairs and find out "he said.

He's a great dad even when I was with Nate and we were married and everything he was still there and he wasn't jealous of Nate or anything just wanted to be there for our daughter.

He's always stuck around there for me no matter what happened.
"Have fun with her "I said to Lyssa. "I always do " she said shooing me out of the door. God I love her so much. I'm talking about Kingsley I mean I love Lyssa to but Kingsley is my daughter.

"Ready babe"Johnny said putting his right hand on my thigh. "Yea let's go"I said smiling.
We pulled up to the restaurant and had a valet take our car. Fancy I know Nate never had this for me. I haven't seen him at all actually.

"Reservation for Orlando"the lady said . "Nice to see you again Katherine"Johnny said. "You to Johnny "she said. Ok that wasn't weird at all.

"Thank you"I said to Katherine. This place was very nice I've never been here before. Very nice of him to take me here he truly loves me and I can tell.

"So do you like it"he said looking into my eyes. "I love it actually thank you for taking me here babe"I said smiling. "Anything for you"he said.

Finally out good was brought out to us about 10 minutes into the dinner the staff started gathering around our table.

"What's going on"I asked him very confused at the situation.

Johnny grabbed my hand and I was now standing in front of him. "Johnny I have something to tell you"I said.

"So do I baby"he said. By the now the whole restraint was staring at us. The staff brought out flowers for me.

I looked away for a spiky second and saw Johnny on one knee. I covered my mouth with my hands while tears came down from my face.

"Addison Fields will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me"he said. I was in disbelief that my Bestfriend just asked me to marry him.

I shook my head yes repeatedly as he got up and hugged me. He wiped my tears away and the restaurant was clapping for us.

"Ok what was it that you needed to tell babe"he said.

"I'm pregnant ".

-the end
Thank you so much for everyone who has stuck with me since the first book. Sad to end it but it was for the best.

There will not be and I repeat there will not be a third book to this serious.

Anyways tysm for reading this book it means a lot honestly.

Well until than goodbye for now(;

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