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*February *
Addys POV :
Tonight me and Johnny are going to Khia and her fiancés wedding dinner.

I'm so happy for her I mean she really loves him I can tell.

I'm sitting in the bed it's about 2:30 and Johnny's not down here.

I walk downstairs and I see smoke coming from his manly room.

The door is somewhat open and I see Johnny,Nate,and Sam all smoking.

I thought he stopped. I guess not.

I went back upstairs and tried to get it off my kind but couldn't. I'll ask him later.
I hear the door close and I go downstairs and see Johnny standing next to the counter top with his head in his hands.

"Hey babe are you ok"I asked going next to him. "Yea don't worry it's just work "he said. "Oh ok why were Sam and Nate here"I asked. "They were just visiting "he said.

He's bluntly lying to my face. "Why was there smoke coming from the room than "I asked. "Because we were smoking "he said. "I thought you didn't smoke ".

"Yea only every once in a while but it's nothing to worry about "he said kissing my forehead.

I'm still gonna ask Sam he tells me everything.
"Don't forget about tonight"I said. "I didn't trust me "he said.

I started getting my outfit ready and laid it out on the bed.

You know for Johnny's room it's not very masculine it's more feminine.

It's white with gold that's more of what a girl would have in her room.

"You know I love you "he said from the bathroom. "I love you "I said.

He genuinely means it I can tell.
"Ready"he asked taking his hand in mine. "Always"i said looking up at him.

He got the keys to his Range Rover and he set forth the destination .

We pulled up to the grove and got out and went towards where khia and her groom to be where.
"As a toast to everybody here I hope y'all have fun being at my wedding"Ian said. Johnny looked uncomfortable being here.

"What's wrong "I whispered to him. "Nothing is wrong "he said. "Ok"I said quietly.
We all went back to sams house to finish the night off.

"Hey I'm gonna talk to Sam to catch up"I said to Johnny. He nodded and I went to garb Sam.

"Hey I need to ask something "I said pulling him into a room where I could hear.

"What"he said."why was Jonny smoking earlier today"I asked.

"Umm I don't know maybe he can tell you"he said. "Sam please tell me is it something bad"I asked.

"Well one part of it is but I'm sure he will tell you soon"he said. "Sam please tell me"I asked. "Johnny's stressed ok and the reason is-" he was cut off my Johnny walking in.

"Sam continue "I asked wondering as to why he stopped. He directed his eyes at Johnny. I turned around and there stood Johnny.

He threw a black box at me and I caught it. I opened it and it was engagement ring.

"Johnny's I didn't know "I said speechless about to cry because I feel my eyes growing with water.

"Well it doesn't matter now"he said. "How come"I asked. "Because I was smoking because I was planning on marrying you Addy"he said raising his voice at me to where people started looking at me.

"He was stressed out from planning on where to ask you "Nate said. "I ruined everything"I said quietly. My curiosity got the best of me.

I held his ring he got me very close to my heart because I know that I may not ever get to marry him.
I opened his door to his room and changed my clothes very quietly and put the box on the bedside table.

I got in the bed with him but his back was facing me. I could hear his soft snores as I went to sleep.

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