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Addison's POV :
I'm going to khias house today. It would be nice to catch up with her since she was my first actually friend that was a girl.

A:hey are you home
A:k I'll be there in 10
K:I'll be here

You see unlike me khia has her own place. I'm 18 and still live with my parents. I'm planning on moving out here pretty soon because I want my personal life to be left alone.

I may move into a house or apartment I'm not sure yet.

I get dressed in something cute just in case I see someone that I really don't want to see.
I walk up to the steps to her house and walk in. There is no need to knock she knows it's me.

I hear moaning and yelling upstairs as I walk in. Maybe now isn't the best time I'll come later.

I wonder who it was up there. None of my business.

I set my map to Nates house. Just to talk though.
I pull up in his driveway and walk towards the door.

I knock on the door. "Addy I haven't seen you in awhile "he said welcoming inside. "Me either "I said . "So"he asked. "I just wanted to talk about what happened at the party"I said sitting down.

"Oh yea"he said leaning up against the doorframe. "I understand if you don't like me "he said. "I'm really glad you do because I don't want to lead you on"I said sighing in relief.

"Well maybe I'll see you later "he said escorting me out of the house. "Yea maybe"I said going to my car.

I drive back to my house. Where I see multiple cars parked in my driveway.

I walk in and see my friend sitting on the couch of my own house. "Oh hey addy we invited ourselves"Macey said.

"I can tell maybe a heads up next time "I said.

I went upstairs to put my stuff down and my phone vibrated.

J:I miss you
A: stop lying
J: I'm not
A: yes you are
J: can you at least come over later today so we can talk
A: fine.

I walked back downstairs and sat on the couch with them.

"You never came to my house"khia said. "Oh no I did just at the wrong time "I said. "Oh yea sorry"she said.

"What happened"Sam asked.

"Khia was hooking up with someone "I said.
I enter the driveway of the man himself . Johnny Orlando.

I walk up to his door regretting every step up here.

I ring the doorbell and he answers quickly as if he was waiting there like a dog waits for it's owner.

"Addy "he said. I walked in pushing past him.

"What are we talking about exactly"I asked."us addy I want us back together. We broke up over. Stupid reason"he said. "Why now "I asked.

"Because every girl I got with wasn't like you "he said. "Ok and you can get any girl you want why me"I asked crossing my arms.

"Because your mine addy that's why"he said. "That doesn't change the fact that you have cheated on me in the past and hooked up with other girls "I said raising my voice at him.

"Addy that doesn't matter why can't you just move one from the past "he said raising his voice in sadness.

"Johnny please everything you say doesn't matter to you does it"I said about to walk out with eyes full of tears.

He turned me around quickly and I was very close to him. "I love you"he said looking at me.

I really hope he means it.

Instagram:factingbrennan or reillyslayss

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