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*3 months later*
Addys POV :
"I'll see you next month "the lady said. I cleaned off my stomach and pulled my shirt down.

Only three more months until I know the gender. Johnny to of course.

I try not to think about him because he's the worst right now.

He's still messing with Molly who's supposed to be my friend and everything.

Social media found out about Jaddison being over and they were very upset.

It's jolly now. I tweeted and Instagramed about it saying that we were over and not to put any hate on his page every though he deserves.

Again I try not to think about him even though it kills me to see him with someone else.

Does he even consider my feelings at all. The only time he checks in on me is when I have my appointments but that's it.

Mollys always with him whenever he comes over. Like can she be more irrelevant.
A: the baby is perfectly
J: ok when's the next appointment
A: April 7
Im surprised I didn't block his number or something but I'm trying not to be the bad guy here.

I haven't talked to Sammy or Nate in a while and by a while I mean two days.

I drive to sammys house really hoping Johnny and his sidekick Molly aren't there.
"Sammy"I call out entering their house. "I'm in my room"I heard his voice say.

I walk to his room where there he is laying in the bed on his phone.

"Get up its 3:30 in the afternoon"I said. "Well hello to you too"he said setting his phone down.

He got up with his morning hair. "Have you talked Johnny yet are y'all back together "he asked getting a shirt to put on.

"Yea today actually but only to tell him when my next appointment is"I said.

"I know what he did was wrong but maybe it would help to talk in person"he said. "No he'll just end up yelling at me and blaming me in something"I said.

"Listen I've know Johnny for a while and he's a dick I know but I've never seen y'all argue in public or any place else and when I see you guys your madly in love with each other "he said stating some of the truth.

"Well I guess it's Molly turns to experience everything I did than "I said a little disappointed.

"He's with Molly. I thought y'all were friends "he asked opening a bottle of water. "Yea were friends not anymore"I said.
"So how's Nate "I asked. "Still crushing over you obviously "he said.

"I feel bad Sammy "I said that because even though I only see Nate as just a brother he really likes me.

"It's not your fault Addison "he said. I hate it when people call me by my first name. Addison is too young for me. Also I've always been called addy.

"Sammy"I said glaring at him and he knows why. "Oh I forgot Addison Jules Fields"he said.

"Your lucky I don't your middle name "I said laughing trying to be serious.

"That's a good thing "he said laughing grabbing his water and plopping himself on the couch.
"Do you think me and Johnny will ever get back together "I asked sam as I sat next to him. "Time will tell"he said twirling my hair in his fingers.

"Yea time will tell".

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