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Addys POV :
I woke up feeling horrible. Nate pretty much kicked me out of my own house.

I heard the shower so that means he's taking a shower. I really want to try and talk it out and prove I'm innocent because I am.

It was just that one little slip up at the party that's all. I've tried so hard to keep Johnny off my mind and I can't do it. I love him and I always have.

I tell myself I don't but I do and I need to accept it. It didn't process through my head until Nate brought it up.

"Hey"I said to Nate in a quiet voice. "Goodmorning"he said not making eye contact. "Can we please try and talk it out"I asked.

"No we can't because if we do I'm going end up forgiving you and your gonna go right back to Johnny and I can't do that anymore"he said pulling a white t-shirt over his head.

"No I won't "I said. "Addy I think it would be better for the both of us if we just stopped being together because obviously you can't keep your legs closed"he said. I furrowed my eyebrows at him in disbelief that he would say that about me.

"Nate"I said feeling tears drip down my face. "You have six hours until most of your stuff is gone and out of my house"he said.

This bitch. He acts like he hasn't done anything wrong at all which he has. He's slept with girls behind my back but I never confronted him a bout it.

I decided to only take stuff I actually needed. I also took Kingsleys stuff too. I can't leave it here.

Also where am I going to stay I mean my parents don't even live here anymore. There's only one person who hopefully will let me stay.

I can't stay at my friends house because they will give me the "I told you so"talk and I really don't need that not right now at least.

Surprisingly I have half of my stuff packed in less than three hours. I'm leaving all of the stuff Nate gave me so he could burn it and forget about me.

"Mama"Kingsley said holding her hand up for me to hold. Those blue eyes get me every time. Thanks dad for blessing my little angel with blue eyes like yours.

"Don't worry we'll be out of here in no time babygirl"I said to her as she stood up in her crib.
I put all of my stuff and Kingsleys stuff in the back of my trunk and proceeded to buckle her up in her car seat.

I took one last look at all the memories we had in that house that I helped build and pay for. All of those memories that Kingsley had will be forever gone.

He still doesn't know the truth and he probably never will. Maybe if he would just listen to me for once and hear my side maybe I would still be living here.

I looked down at my steering wheel noticing the bright ring on my finger. That ring has no value to me anymore. The ring that kept us together threw thick and thin has all of a sudden given up on us.

I took the ring off and set in the sunglasses holder.

I drove to where ever I felt was right and what was right was Johnny's house.

I took Kingsley out and went up to the door. I hesitated to knock but once I did I knew it was right.

"Addy"he said confused as I am to why I'm here. "I need a tiny favor"I said . "And that is". "Can we live here "I asked.

"Why would you do that "he asked inviting us in. I walked to the living room which still hasn't changed the last time I came here.

I sat Kingsley down on the ground where it was open and safe from sharp objects.

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