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Addys POV :
I woke up to Johnny taking a shower. Maybe we can talk it out about what happened.

"Good morning "he said not making eye contact. "Good morning "I said trying to be less awkward.

He walked out of the room and I heard him open the refrigerator.

I waited for a few minutes and decided to go downstairs.

"Johnny"I asked. He looked up at me and looked away. "What"he asked in a annoyed voice. "Please can we just talk about last night "I asked. "What's there to talk about "he said.

"I didn't mean to I didn't know you were -"he cut me off. "Yea you didn't know I was planning on proposing I know"he said.

"We can still be together that doesn't change us "I said. "I know it doesn't I just need some time to think "he said. "To think about what marrying me because obviously you do"I said.

"Well maybe I don't want to now "he said raising his voice at me. "What do you mean you don't want to now"I said getting sad. "I don't know addy "he said.

"Fine call me when you decide "I said grabbing my keys and going upstairs to get my wallet and phone.

"Addy wait don't leave"he said standing back from his ground. "Why"I said snapping back at him . "It's obvious you don't want me in your life so why stay"I said.

"I didn't say that I just said I need time to think"he said. "Think practically means break up Johnny "I said. "Ok I can't deal with you anymore please leave addy your taking this way out of context"he said .
I wish we could just be a happy couple like you see in the movies.


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