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Addys POV :
Johnny and his dad are visiting our house for business.

I mean he's seen our house before obviously to pick up Kingsley. He's only ever entered the entry way before.

Nate and I invested a crap ton of money in this house for it to be exactly how we wanted. Building it was absolutely a dream come true to me at least.

We have a maid ,butler,and chef. I consider them family because they are.

For a very short time I had a maid and chef and we treated like family so I consider them my familia.
I wake Kingsley up from her nap. I get her dressed and bring her downstairs and set her in her high chair for breakfast. That's usually whatever David our chef makes.

"Good morning Reyna "she's our maid. "Good morning Mrs.Maloley".

I'll never get tired of them there great honestly.

"Daddy's coming over today"I said to Kingsley in a baby voice. "Dada"she said clapping her hands together smiling. I laughed at how excited she gets when ever I say daddy.

When she gets older hopefully she won't call Nate her dad. I means he's her stepdad but Johnny's her real dad. I can't do anything about that.

I'm just so lucky to get pregnant at 19 and be married 20.

I love my life now I mean there are some things I wish I could change but I can't fix them. Most of them revolve around family matters.

One person I haven't seen in forever is Everleigh. She's 14 or maybe 15 I'm not really sure now.

She lives her mom sucks she doesn't live here but hey it was choice. Maybe one day we can meet up and she can meet Nate and Kingsley.
"Nice to see you again Mr. Orlando"Nate said shaking his hand greeting him inside with Johnny following behind him as he examined the house.

"Wow this house must have cost a fortune"Johnny said investigating further since he hasn't been past the entry way. Which is probably one of my favorites.

"Yes it did actually. Cost us around 1.7 million I believe"Nate said. Mr.Orlando was shocked by the number. I don't see why the neighborhood we lived in as kids was around 1.1 million. That's just 600k more.

"The conference is upstairs follow me"I said guiding them upstairs. I felt a hand squeeze my butt. I turned around and it was Johnny smirking.

I mouthed "stop" to him. "Here it is"I said walking inside getting all of the files and everything ready.

We would have had it at the office but today is actually Johnny's day with Kingsley so why not have it here.

"Where's Kingsley "Johnny asked. "In her room taking a nap she may be awake"I said.

"Well can I see her after the meeting is over"he asked. "It's your day until Sunday at 6:00"I said smiling with annoyance.
"We can talk later about business deals everything later have a nice day"Mr.Orlando said. "You to sir"I said.

"Finally it's over until tomorrow"he said. "It's only us now peace and quiet"I said. "Yea so let's go to take nap"he said.

Nate and I haven't had sex in 7 months like that's a long time. I wasn't sex deprived for the longest but now I am and he never wants to do it. I try my best to convince him but he's only got something else on his mind.

"Your no fun"I said giving him a friendly push.

"I am fun thank you very much"he said turning around at the top of the stairs.

"Not in the way I want you too"I mumbled under my breathe.

Ik this is a weird ending to this chapter but it's whatever.


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