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Addys POV :
" faster baby faster"I said moaning as Johnny was on top of me.

"I'll make you come faster than you ever have before "he said thrusting inside of me.
"Where are you going "he asked as he laid on the bed naked. "To take a shower and be productive"I said through the door.

I washed my body off after our morning sex. It felt good having the water hit my body.

I walked out in just Johnny's shirt and went downstairs.

Maybe Macey and I can hang out today. Girl time is everything .

"We will finish later "he said. "What if I don't to"I said being serious. "Than another day will come"he said.

I'm warming up to him now he's not so uptight anymore.

He's just the same goofy Johnny I met when I was younger.

It's crazy to imagine us this far really.
With Johnny gone in left alone again .

"Hey addy what's going on"Macey asked. "Nothing much just wondering if you wanted to hang out today"I asked. "Yea sure I'll come by "she said.

Well it's planned I'm hanging out Macey . Maybe khia and Lyssa will join us.

I get dressed and do my hair how I want it.

I hear my phone go off. It's from Dylan.

"Hello"I said."hi addy "."oh hi I haven't talked to you in a while". "Yea I'm just actually coming to California for a while"he said. "Wait really"I said excited. "Yea I have some business down there and I figured since you live there why not visit"he said.

"Ok I'll talk to later "I said. "Ok bye"he said. I hung up and put my phone back in my Michael Khors bag.

Dylan got it for me for being friends for a whole year. He is very nice and I've told him that I don't like him just as friends. He gets it besides the man is taken by his true love.

I get the keys to my car and I drive to maceys house.

I pull up to her apartment and knock on the door.

"Hey girlie"she said as she opened the door. "Hi ".

I walked in and set my purse on her counter.

"Where did you get that Johnny get it for you"she asked gathering her things. "No my best friend Dylan did actually "I said. "Who's Dylan you have never mentioned a Dylan to me".

"Dylan was my best friend when I was at college in New York "I said. "Oh is he cute". "Yea I guess he is "I said.

"Lets go we have to go get Lyssa "I said trying to get her out of the door.
We are all at the mall and we're shopping for more clothes because we have so many already. Plus most of my clothes are at my parents house and some are at Johnny's.

I picked a couple pairs of jeans and two shirts. I found these nude heels that were to dye for and this nude dress that I had to fight a woman for it.

It was so pretty and all my dresses are at home. I also don't like it when Johnny buys me things because I make my own money.

I can buy my own stuff . Yet he stills buys me things .

I payed for my things and met the girls at a boba place. We ordered our drinks and sat down at the food court.

" so who's single who's taken" Macey asked. " obvi I'm taken and have been for the past 3 years by my wonderful Ian Pomona "khia said. "Single"Macey said. "Same"Lyssa said. "What's about you addy"khia asked. "I don't know what me and Johnny are at this point"I said taking a drink of my boba.
We all said our goodbyes and Macey went with Lyssa and khia to explore more.

I drove to my parents house and I though I would stay the night there. Since technically I don't live with Johnny.

I opened the door and I saw my parents sitting around the table with Jared . Oh no what happened.

I walked towards them and set my stuff down. " what happened"I asked. " it's about your brother Jared "mom said.

"What about him"I asked. " we need your help trying to get him t listen to what we're saying"Keith asked.

I looked at them in confusion. "Jared what happened"I asked . "Mom caught me and Parker smoking in my bedroom"he said as if he didn't have a care in the world.

"Where did you even get it from"I asked. "Umm parkers brother knows someone named Nate maloley I think"he said. My face dropped.

"Jared come with me"I said demanding him to come.

I get in my car and drove to Nates house. "Where are we going "Jared asked. "Just be quiet "I said pissed off.
I knocked on his door repeatedly until he finally answered.

"Addy what are you doing here"he asked. I pushed him out of the way and dragged my little brother into the living room.

"Nate do you know a Carter Kelly "I asked. "Yea that's one of my guys"he said. "Well your best guy gave drugs to my brother and his friend"I said. "That's your little brother "he said a little shooken.

"Yea it is"I said. "I'm so sorry addy I didn't know he was going to give it to them "Nate said looking apologetic.

"No it's ok it's mainly carters fault for giving it to them"I said. "Yea it kinda is"he said agreeing.

"Well bye Nate maybe I will see you later "I said smiling as we walked out of the door. "Yea it would be nice to hang out again as friends obviously "he said.
"So you know him "Jared asked. "Yea I do"I said. "How he's one of Johnny's friends"I said paying very close attention to the road.

He nodded and went on his phone. "So how's Alexis "I asked. "Not good"he said. "I caught her with a another guy"he said.

Wow The Fields have the worst luck with relationships in man kind.
"We're home"I said locking door as Jared and I came through it.

Well I guess they aren't home than.
10:30 and I'm bored so I'm gonna go to sleep.

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