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Addys POV :
Tonight Nate has a party to attend. I'm his plus one for tonight.

It's more of the business type of party. Kingsley is staying with auntie Lyssa tonight.

She loves her aunts which is also my best friend since I'm an only child. Jared is technically her uncle even though he is my cousin.

"Look at my beautiful wife"he said coming into the doorway.

"Still can't believe I had to find you through Johnny "he said. "Well I am the greatest thing that has happened to you so embrace it"I said.

"Where's Kingsley going to stay". "With Lyssa obviously "I said.

"Of course she is"he said sighing. "What's your problem with Lyssa she's my best friend". "Well whenever your best friend apologizes to me for stealing one of my ounces then I'll like her"he said.

"Oh my gosh it was one ounce Nate get over it you can by many more"I said in disbelief. "No it wasn't just one it was 4"he said.
We pulled up to the venue and were immediately stormed inside by security. I guess protection from the general public.

"Nice to see you again Mr and Mrs maloley"a greeter said. It's always nice to see whoever that was again.

Nate knows these people I barely know them.

"Addy"I heard a female voice say. "Chloe"I said. "I haven't seen you since you quit the business"she said giving me a hug.

"Yea well my daughter is my number one priority "I said smiling. "How old is Kingsley again". "Almost a year old next month on the eighteenth".

"I heard Johnny and his dad are gonna be here but I'm not sure"she said.

"Why would he be here"I asked. "His father owns another business beside the one he gave Johnny and needs to the market back up for the second one"she said.

"With all of that money he has he needs partners wow"I said. "That's what me and Ryan said".
I went back to find Nate and bumped into the devil himself. Johnny Orlando.

"Why hello there addy funny seeing you here"he said in a polite voice."yea well Nate is here so I am too"I said trying to keep small talk.

"Where's Molly"I asked wondering the how was. "She actually divorced me yesterday"he said with no emotion.

Well it's about time she dropped his sorry ass.

" oh well I'm gonna go now"I said. "Addy wait"he said and pulled me closer and whispered something in my ear. "You can't ever get enough of me"he said seductively which made my legs feel weak.

"Johnny stop"I said quite loudly but not enough to draw attention.

I walked away frustrated as to why he wants me back after I've found someone else and very happy with.

"Hey babe are you ok"Nate asked. "Yea just a little tired that's all"I said giving him a reassuring smile.

"Are you sure you don't want to leave"he asked. "No it's fine we can stay go get new partners"I said. "You know I love you"he said kissing my cheek.
I spent most of my time talking to Chloe and catching up. I really missed her honestly.

We left the venue and Nate got pulled aside by a gentleman around his sixties.

"Addy this is Mr. Orlando"Nate said. "Addy fields"he asked. "I haven't seen you forever how have you been"he asked.

"I've been very good actually how about you"I asked. "Doing business as usual only this time with my careless son "he said looking at Johnny.

"I'm not careless I'm just lazy"Johnny said.
"Addy I can get another partner if having your ex in this business is uncomfortable "Nate said as we got in the car.

"No it's fine I can ignore him "I said being honest.

The car ride home was quiet and peaceful.
I'm letting Kingsley stay with Lyssa tonight. Partly I'm to tired to go get her from Lyssa house.

Why does he come back and change everything.


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