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*1 year later*

Addys POV:
"Mommy loves you"I said to Kingsley.

Kingsley Jervis Maloley was born on September 18. She is the cutest baby girl you have ever seen.

I'm married to Nate. Someone who I though I would never marry out of everyone.

He's very good with Kingsley and it's actually very adorable to be honest.

Even though that's not her actual father she acts as if he is.

She still sees Johnny on Friday,Saturday, and Sunday. He has some kids of his own. Actually he has twin boys Caden and Luke.

My mother and father moved back to North Carolina just to be away from the city.

Jared didn't want to leave so he stays with me and Nate.

He's a very good kid he just doesn't fully understand what is expected out of him.

"Addy can one of my friends come over later today "Jared asked. "Umm yea I don't see why not"I said.

I heard Kingsley start to cry very loudly.

"I've got it"Nate said going up to her room and bringing her down to me.

"Your a great dad you know that right "I said. "Of course I am why wouldn't I be"he said.

I occasionally have slips up with having feelings with Johnny and so does he.

I think he still loves me somewhere. I know we're both married and everything but there is still chemistry between us.

Johnny's POV :
"Please think about it"Molly said. "I told you I don't want kids "I said getting aggravated.

"Johnny why not isn't that married people do "she said following me to the kitchen. "Not all the time "I said.

"Why don't you want kids we've been married for pretty much over a year now"she said. "You wanna know the reason why".

"Yes please tell me'". "Because I already have a child with a woman that I love so much "I said speaking the truth.

"You can't love her"she said. "Yes I can and I still do and I always have "I said feeling a tear slip from eye.

"Why did you marry me and not her"she asked not as mad as I thought she would be.

"I thought that maybe if I had someone to distract me from her she would become distant"I said. "So I was just a distraction from her"she said.

"Partly I still loved you through everything "I said. "You'll be hearing from my lawyer about divorce papers"Molly said storming out the door.

I can't just get enough of Addison can I. I know she's married to Nate which I'm a little pissed off about.

Maybe I can get her back but it's too late now isn't it.


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