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Addys POV :
This whole Johnny thing is confusing me like really bad. Feelings are being rekindle and that's not supposed to happen I'm married to Nate. I'm in love with Nate. Not Johnny despite we do have a kid together.

Nates at work I gave myself a vacation today because I'm a hard worker.

I was enjoying myself by watching a movie in my bedroom. Kingsley was taking her nap so why not enjoy this peacefulness well that was until the doorbell rang.

Literally I'm in sweatpants,a random shirt I found and fluffy slippers. No makeup and my hair hasn't been brushed since yesterday.

"I'm coming"I said to whoever is at the door. I looked at the security camera to who it was. Safety precaution you never know who it could be.

Oh great it's Johnny. The person I didn't want to see.

"What"I said pissed off. "Why so grumpy "he said pushing past me inviting himself inside.

"Umm excuse you"I said. "What"he said. "What are you doing here"I asked crossing my arms.

"To give you this"he said holding a Chanel bag. I took the bag and opened it and found out it was the same one that Nate gave me for my birthday.

"I already have this"I said throwing it back into the bag. "What don't you have "he said. "For you to leave me alone"I said.

"Really because you were just all over yesterday "he said. "Yea I know . Can you please just leave before I call the police"I said.

"Can I my daughter first"he asked. "Johnny please just leave"I said giving up. "Fine"he said leaving the bag and walking out the door.

I feel like a horrible mother partly because the father and I aren't together. Also I barely let her see him.

He's just not a good influence for her he hangs out with to many girls.

Looking back at my childhood with him I missed those days. When we were best friends and didn't care what people thought of us.

We've both changed and nothing can change that. It's like we drifted apart from each other and just happen to see each other again.

I'm older more mature and I know what I want. I'm not loyal to Nate like I should be.
I walked upstairs and went to check on Kingsley.

I saw her stand up in her crib looking at me with her blue eyes. They were really blue especially for a one year old.

"Hey baby girl mommy missed you"I said in my baby voice as I picked her up. "Let's go get you something to eat"I said walking out of her bedroom to the kitchen.

I set her in her highchair and went to get an Oreo from the pantry. The vanilla ones are her favorite. She's throws the chocolates one on the floor.

"Here you go "I said giving her a bowl of four more Oreos. A cute little spread across her face.

I was leaning against the counter on my phone scrolling through Twitter.

I heard the garage open that means Nate is home.

He slammed the door when he got inside. That usually means a hard day at work. I took Kingsley upstairs. I try to keep her away from the fighting,arguing,and bickering in this house.

"Hey babe is everything ok"I asked as he came through the kitchen. "I thought I could trust you"he said in a pissed off voice. "You can babe what are you talking about"I said confused as to why he was mad at me.

"Why did security tell Johnny came by just to visit you"he asked. "He gave me something and to see his daughter "I said telling the truth.

"Bullshit addy. Just stop lying to me and yourself"he said. "I'm not lying Nate why won't you believe me"I said breaking down in tears.

" what am I supposed to say Nate nothing happened"I said . "Do you still love Johnny "he asked out of the blue.

I stood there silent because I know what the answer is.


"Addison do you still love Johnny"he asked. He shook his head in disapproval. "I want your stuff out of this house by tomorrow "he said walking upstairs.

"Nate"! I followed him upstairs. "Your not serious are your "I said in disbelief.

"No I'm serious I'm done with your games and messing with Johnny and lying to me. I tried so hard to put it away in the past but I can't and now I'm done addy I really am "he said giving up. I could hear it in his voice.
I got in the bed not beside Nate. In the guest bedroom.

Why doe this always happen to me. It's like I'm never happy or anything.

Why does he keep coming back and steal my heart and than break it again.

I still love Johnny.

Congratulations to Meg_vita for helping and choosing this chapter.


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