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Addys POV :
You know being pregnant comes with a lot of responsibilities.

No drinking. No sports. I have to pee a lot. I'm trapped inside almost. And contractions.

Johnny is there for me every step of the way. He's very mature. Well at least now he is before he was a hot mess.

Still no ring on my finger but hopefully we will get there.

"How are you feeling"Johnny asked. "The same from 10 minutes ago when you asked me"I said. "Sorry I'm just worried"he said. "Well stop saying sorry there is nothing to be sorry for"I said.

One thing actually two things on my mind is should I move in with Johnny or wait until he decides I should. Also who's last name should he or she get.

"Hey have thought about me moving in with you"I said looking at him as he stared at the tv.

"Yea maybe once or twice "he said. "Well what if i did "I asked getting up from his lap. "Than i would get to see you everyday "he said.

I smirked at getting to see him everyday of my life well until we die.

"Come on let's go do something I'm bored"I said. "Like what"he asked. "I don't we will find something I'm sure"I said.

"We can go to my parents house and hang out there"I said. "Yea I guess"he said.

"I know my parents would love to talk to you"I said. "I bet they are and I can't wait"he said.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I got dressed and so did he. He grabbed his keys to his Ashton Martin and he drove off.
"2463"I said. That's password to get in for us at least. Different houses have different codes.

"You should really remember that code it could come in handy "I said. "I already know 2463"he said pulling up into our driveway.

Someone ate angry-O's for breakfast this morning.

I got out and opened the door. My parents never lock the door. When we lived in  North Carolina we lived pretty much in the country so there was no need to lock our doors.

"Why don't they lock the doors"Johnny asked. " ask them "I said.

"Oh Johnny it's so nice to see you again"my mom said. "It's nice to see you too Mrs. Fields"he said putting on a happy attitude.

"Nice to see you Mr. Dunlap "he said giving him a bro hug. "Same to you Johnny ".

"What brings you all here"my mom asked. "Bored needed to get out of the house and we have a surprise "I said.

"What is that"Keith asked engaging in the conversation.

"Well. Um your gonna be like nonnie and poppa"I said half smiling. "Your having a child "my mom asked.

"Please don't be mad"I said. "Why would be mad that's amazing news "Keith said. "Well because I'm only 19 and don't have a life"I said stating the truth.

"I mean if you had a kid I would only like it with Johnny or Dylan"she said. "Who's Dylan "Johnny asked.

"This very nice boy she hung out with at college he came by the other day"she said. Johnny glared at me.

"Ok well I'll be back later it was nice seeing you all"Johnny said.
I got in the car and Johnny like just drove out there.

"What's your problem "I asked quietly. He muttered something.

What is his problem.
When we got home we went straight into room and didn't say anything to me.

I decided to go upstairs and see what was wrong.

"What is wrong with you"I asked. "Leave me alone"he said. "No not until you tell me whats wrong "I said stepping closer to him.

"Who is Dylan "he asked. "He's a friend from college "I said. "Yea sure just a friend"he muttered and scoffed.

"He is I don't see what more he could be"I said. "Don't act like you didn't have sex with him because I know you did"he said. "No I didn't I didn't have sex with anyone that whole school year "I said telling the absolute truth.

"I've only had sex with just you that's it"I said as tears built up in my eyes.

He shook his head and went downstairs. "What am I supposed to do about you not believing me"I said. "Get out"he said. "What"I said with saddened eyes. "Get out of my house "he said in a low and serious voice.

I grabbed my phone and keys off the table and walked out to my car.

I drove to Dylan's house with tears coming out of my eyes.
I knocked on the door and he answered almost immediately.

"Addy come in what's wrong ". "Johnny kicked me out "I said with full tears coming down.

"Hey hey calm down"he said pulling me embracing me in a hug wrapping his arms around my head.

"I don't know what to do"I said starting to relax. "Hey let's not worry about him right now"he said bringing home to the living room. Which was decorated very nicely .

"Addy every time I see your always crying or upset"he said looking me straight into my eyes.

"I know and I don't want you to see me cry"I said. "Maybe it's best if you and Johnny aren't together anymore"he said.

That hit me like really deep. "I can't do that I love him to much"I said. "Ok but seeing you get hurt isn't something a best friend should see if by someone she loves"he said stating a true fact.

"I can't just break up with him"I said realizing I am pregnant with his baby after all.

"Why"he said."because I'm pregnant with his child"I said in a low voice. "What". "I'm pregnant with his child"I said almost in tears.

"Don't cry addy I hate seeing you cry it makes me feel like I'm not doing my job "he said. Dylan has a way with words.

"It's not your fault I'm pregnant it was ours "I said. "I know and I'm happy for you you'll make a great mom it's just Johnny hasn't always been there"he said.

"I know and he said he would be there with me every step of the way"I said. "Addy do really love him"."yes I've known him all my life practically "I said.

There was a long pause of silence

"Did you love him when we hooked up and had sex that night "he asked in a serious voice.

"Maybe. I don't know I don't want to remember that night Dylan "I said getting sad and angry.

"Addy we could have a child right now we could have been together"he said with tears falling down his face.

"Dylan I know I know I wasn't ready "I said. "I know"he said putting his head in his hands.

"It could have been us".


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