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Addys POV :
Another boring day at the office.

"Alissa"I said calling her. "Yes ma'am "she said. "What is on today's agenda"I asked.

"A meeting with Nate and someone else in not sure who"she said looking down at her notepad.

"Ok thank you"I said

I waited for my meeting with Nate. Until it was time I walked into the conference room.

I saw Nate and a man around his 30s.

"Addy"Nate said. I sat down beside Nate as the man began to take out papers.

"What is this"I asked. "They are divorce papers addy"Nate said.

"Ok addy all I need for you to do is sign here here and here"the man said.

I signed the papers and gave Nate one of the most nastiest looks ever.

"Anything else"I said in a bitchy tone . "Actually one more thing Mrs.Fields"the man said. "As you know this is Nates building so he will get all of the money off of this company "he said.

"Oh and I really think it's better for us and the company if you no longer worked here"Nate said in a serious manner. "Fuck you nate"I said and walked out and went back to my office and grabbed my stuff and went to my car.

I never looked back at that place ever again. Never in a million years or at least the time I was with him would we get a divorce over something I didn't do.

Hope his life goes well.


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