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*5 months later*
Addys POV :
"Mama"Kingsley said asking for Annamarie. Annamarie is her stuffed elephant my gosh she loves that thing.

Johnny and I are dating each other again. This time it lasted a lot longer than our past relationships.

I see Nate at the parties and red carpets every so often. There is a lot of tension when we are close to each other . With the media being every where it's very hard to just act normal.

That's partly why Kingsley stays at home. Don't want cameras in her face. I'm not going to let my one year old be exposed to that.

"Baby I'm hungry"Johnny said wrapping his hands around my waist kissing my neck.

"Ok well make you something in not your personal chef"I said sassing back. "Oh come on please"he said. "I'm not here for your every personal need"I said.

"But you are in the bed"he said. I glared at him remembering that there is a child in the room. "Sorry"he said.

"Daddy"Kingsley said walking towards him. She's a daddies girl alright. She's very lucky to grow up in a fortunate family. Johnny and I both did.

We miss those time when we would have sleepovers and than I would help Johnny with his music videos.

I'm still shocked he turned down the music career to have his fathers business that co-owns.

I never really did anything so being a business was new for me . If going out to parties is a job than I would be excellent at that.
"Babe"I said to him. "Yes my lady "he responded. "Do you love me"I asked. "Of course I do why wouldn't I". "Just wondering"I said.

I mean i hope he loves me because I know I love so much . Especially with Kingsley makes me love him even more.

I really want to continue this relationship with him. I just can't lose him like I lost him before. We both got married and we both got divorced. Maybe it was a sign .

I know that Kingsley may or may not remember Nate but if she does I hope she doesn't grow up knowing that he wasn't actually her dad and I took her away from him.

My goal is do to do what it is best for my family more so Kingsley and I.

Short chapter Ik don't kill me .


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