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Addison's POV :
I'm exhausted as hell right now. Good thing I didn't drink or anything.

I'm half awake and I notice I'm in my room. How did I get here I don't remember driving home . Did Lyssa take me home.

Oh well I'll find out later I guess.

"Good morning sweetie"my mom said."oh look who it is my little Addy"Keith said.

My mom made waffles and bacon with orange juice.

"Have any plans today "Jared asked. "No.maybe I don't know "I said eating my pancakes. "Well I need to take me somewhere because these to won't take me"he said. "Sure I guess".

I finished my food and went upstairs and changed my outfit. Pom Pom shorts, a brandy Melville shirt, and my black Nike roshes.

I left my hair how it was. I did my makeup since most of it was still on.

"Jared lets go"I said going down the stairs.

Shit I don't have my car. I forgot that part "hey mom can I use your car I left mine at my friends house ". "I guess " she said.

Me and Jared walked out and I went into the garage which is separate form the house.

We have four cars so that's why.

"Where am I going "I asked baking out of the garage into the road. "Um to a friends house "he said looking down at his phone. I looked over paying attention to the road obviously.

"Jared "I asked. "What it's right there"he said pointing forward. I pulled up into a neighbor of houses.

"Just wait here"he said getting out of the car. "Ok"I said.

I checked my phone which had seemed like forever.

I had texts from Lyssa, Macey ,Sam, and Johnny.

I opened Johnny's.

J: I dropped u off at your house
A:umm thanks u didn't have to
J: Ik I wanted to

I saw Jared come back with a female girl.

"Who is this"I asked excited. "I'm Alexis"she said. "Im Addy "I said giving her smile back. "I know who you are I'm a fan"she asked.

"Addy can you just drive "Jared said annoyed. "Yes sir".

I dropped them off at the mall and drove home.

"I'm back "I said walking in the door from the garage.

"Ok honey"I heard my mom say.

I really want my car back but it's at Sams house. I guess I'll über there then.

I got an über there and knocked on Sams door.

"Addy what are you doing here"he asked looking high as ever. "To get my car and I wanted to say hi"I said.

"Oh yea Johnny took to his house so it wouldn't stay here forever. I can drive you down there if you want "he asked. "Sure if your that high"I said. "I just woke up from nap that was very peaceful"he said going back inside.

He walked out with his keys to his jeep.

"I really don't want to go there"I said. "Why "he asked exiting his community.

"Because Johnny's a asshole that's why"I said raising my voice a little. "Maybe you should just talk. He misses you badly"Sam said. "Enough about this topic "I said.

"Ok than how's Nate I saw y'all hook up together "he said paying attention to the road ahead of him.

"I haven't talked to him since the party"I said. "Why that's really bad to just hook up with someone and than just not talk"he said looking over at me.

"I know but I don't know what to say "I said throwing my head back. "Well figure it out"he said pulling up to Johnny's house.

There's my wonderful car that I cherish so much. "Thanks Sam I will see you later maybe"I said getting out of the car. "Bye Addison "he said.

I shook my head and heading towards his door.

I knocked three times before the door opened.

"Umm who are you"a girl with brown hair and brown eyes said. "I'm Addy Johnny has my car and be come to get it"I said.

She let me in after Johnny kissed her on the lips in attempt to make me jealous.

"Keys now"I said to him. "I'll leave you to alone I'll be waiting for you upstairs"she said and she walked slow and fast up the stairs.

I shook my head in disgust at her.

"Give me my keys Johnny so I can get out of here"I said holding my hand out.

"Follow me"he said. I followed him to his office and he opened a drawer that held my key.

"I got a new puff ball for it the other one broke"he said holding them in his hand.

"I don't see why I could have gotten one myself "I said being hardheaded.

"Please just accept it"he said finally giving up .
I walked out of his house and got in my car and drove home .

Maybe Jared wants me to pick him up .

Turns out he called me multiple times. I left my phone in my car.

"Addy where are you"he said. "I'm coming relax". "Fine"and with that he hung up.

Why are all these boys so mad for no reason at all.
"Finally your here"Jared said. "Yea I'm here"I said . "We have to take Alexis home by the way"he said. "I can speak for myself Jared "Alexis said.

She told him that's for sure.
Finally I'm home all I want to do is go to sleep.

Johnny and Jared both pissed me off. Sam wants me to talk to Johnny and Nate. Then Nate is probably thing in some hoe by now.

Life is great just great.

Instagram:factingbrennan or reillyslayss

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