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Addys POV :
I woke up next to Sam fully clothed.

Maybe I just fell asleep from tiredness.
Thats most likely what happened so I'm gonna go with him.

"Sam"I whispered. "Sammy"I said a little louder. "Sammy"I practically screamed in his ear causing his to wake up in shock.

"What is wrong with you"he said half asleep. "Why I am here in bed with you"I asked.

"We were looking at vacation spots and we both fell asleep "he said. "Who was the vacation for than"I asked ik confusion.

"Me,you,Nate, and Khia"he said. "No Johnny "I asked raising an eyebrow. "No Johnny you specifically requested him not to come"he said laughing and mocking me a little bit.

"Well I'm glad I did because than I would have to see him and that never goes well"I said.
"Wanna do something fun"Sammy asked with a devil smile on his face

"What"I asked back raising an eyebrow.

"Wanna go spy on Johnny and Molly. That idiot gave me the password to his security system"he said being funny about it.

"For real"I asked ."uh yea come on it will be fun lets go tonight"he said.

"You make me do the most stupidest things ever "I said.

Johnny's POV :(shocker)
"Do you know how much I love you right now"I said to Molly who is in the bathroom getting ready.

"Umm I don't know but it's probably way less than how I much I love you"she said sticking her head out of the bathroom giving a cute smile at me.

I guess you can say I have moved on. Not completely but I'm almost there. Addy doesn't call me anymore or try to get me back.

I'm thinking on marrying Molly pretty soon. She's been nothing but good to me this whole time .

Yea we fight but it's very small and we kiss and make up.

With addy it was never like that. It's we fight and don't talk for a week.

As far as our child goes we still communicate. We have to actually.

When he or she is born she gets part time of custody. I'll have 3 days she has 4 days. It's fair and it what we agreed on.

If things happen than they happen and I can't change them.

I know I sound like a dick for not going back to addy. It was a dick move and I'm not in high school anymore so if it happens it happens and she has to get over it.

I know she hasn't moved on at all partly because she hasn't posted on Instagram in the past two weeks.

I guess she has learned from her mistakes as well.

I would be mad at her but honestly there's so much to her it's confusing to me honestly.

I've said this so many times but maybe addy isn't for me at all.

She's just a restart.


Restart II//Johnny Orlando fanficWhere stories live. Discover now